[Version 1.11 - February 21, 2025 - Everyone's Update]
- + Portals!
- + Portal In and Portal Out elements
- + Portals teleport pixels and electricity
- + Coral
- + Grows in Water
- + Bleaches in high temperatures
- + Adobe, made from Mud and Straw
- + Element translations for Turkish and Hungarian
- [Electricity Rework]
- ~ Electricity is now more consistent in highly conductive material
- ~ Sensors give out a single charge instead of 4
- ~ Pixels now store when they were charged
- ~ Note: Effects on existing builds should be limited but please report any issues
- [Changes]
- + Liquid pixels of the same element move around
- + Tiny canvas size
- + Molten elements oscillate color (Experimental)
- ~ Pixels can now exist along the border of the canvas
- ~ Disabling Staining will clear all existing pixel stains
- + Dye, Paint, etc. retain their selected color independently
- + Radioactive Tornado variant
- + Humans panic when shocked
- ~ Humans are less heat-resistant
- ~ Pipes are no longer unbreakable
- + Smoke rises in normal air density
- ~ Tweaked Fire and Cold Fire behavior
- + Sabatier process for producing Methane
- + Bergius process for producing Oil
- + Acid reacts with Potassium
- ~ Increased Methane autoignition point
- + Uranium radiates Glass on contact
- + Burning Lamp Oil explodes in Water
- + Liquid Ozone explodes when broken or shocked
- + Molten Gallium can react with Gold Coins
- + Slaked Lime reacts with Carbon Dioxide
- + Molten Plastic evaporates
- + Glue turns Color Sand into Stained Glass
- + Butter and Caustic Potash make Soap
- + Neutrons radiate Glass, Clouds, and Water
- ~ Light absorbed by LEDs is deleted
- ~ Foam made from Oxygen + Water releases the Oxygen
- ~ Tweaked Bleach and Acid reaction
- ~ Increased Molten Sulfur freezing point
- ~ Tweaked Smash tool
- + Cyanide dirties Water variants
- + Infection dirties Water
- + Tea and Coffee bubble when hot
- + CO2 carbonates Salt Water instead of dirtying
- + Soda and Seltzer release Foam when mixed
- + Pilk creates Foam
- + Cells can ferment Milk variants
- ~ Cells ferment Milk slower
- ~ Cheese keeps color when breaking into powder (Pilk Powder?)
- ~ Caramel is more heat-resistant
- ~ Acid turns Humans into Bone
- ~ Birds are less flammable
- + Fish turn to white meat when cooked
- + Worms can compost Petal, Pistil, and Vine
- + Rats can eat Hard Yolk
- + Alcohol calms Humans
- + Humans panic from bad smells
- + Smog breaks into Dirty Water
- ~ Fireworks create less Carbon Dioxide
- + Bless can fix Brick Rubble
- + Midas Touch converts some metals to Gold variants
- + Malware can affect Snake
- ~ Pointer retains same speed at any TPS
- ~ Optimized Cell and Cancer
- ~ Recolored Pipe Wall
- ~ Improved Slug, Brick, and Ruins buttons
- ~ Hid Liquid Oxygen
- ~ Unhid Liquid Hydrogen
- ~ Moved Liquid Hydrogen to Liquids
- ~ Moved Poison Gas to Gases
- + Liquid Nitrogen alias 'LN2'
- + Electric alias 'Electron'
- + Light alias 'Photon'
- + Nut Oil alias 'Cooking Oil'
- + Epsom Salt alias 'Magnesium Sulfate'
- + Pyrite alias 'Iron Sulfide'
- + Limestone alias 'Calcium Carbonate'
- + Quicklime alias 'Calcium Oxide'
- + Slaked Lime alias 'Calcium Hydroxide'
- ~ Petal displays with dark text
- ~ Slightly moved Porcelain
- + Built-in dialog boxes
- ~ Canvas touches the top of the page
- ~ Wide canvas size takes up more screen space
- ~ White border no longer shown on wide canvas size
- ~ Buttons, menus, and the canvas have thicker borders
- ~ "Elem" in stats bar is no longer uppercase
- ~ Unknown has no grain
- - Loading a save no longer changes your selected element
- + Ctrl+S to bring up save prompt
- + Ctrl+Shift+S to instantly save canvas
- + Retroactive changelogs for versions v0.1-v0.4
- + Bluesky social link
- + Partial translations for Ukrainian, Toki Pona, and Halacae
- + Finished translations for Spanish and Russian
- [Bug Fixes]
- ~ Fixed: Oxygen from hydrolysis immediately turns to Foam
- ~ Fixed: Menu heights vary dramatically with long categories
- ~ Fixed: Mod Manager and Info Screen text boxes don't stick to bottom
- ~ Fixed: Lattice Wars appear without borders
- ~ Fixed: Smash tool breaks harder elements faster
- ~ Fixed: Error in console on page load
- ~ Fixed: Artifacts above stats bar text on Chrome
- ~ Fixed: Console logging when Hail breaks a pixel
- ~ Fixed: Milk variants still heat into Yogurt
- ~ Fixed: Controls still show Smooth View keybind
- ~ Fixed: "Save to File" button cut off on some small screens
- ~ Fixed: Many aliases can't be used in Element Select
- ~ Fixed: Prop tool doesn't change pixel state when changing temperature
- ~ Fixed: Grenades stop moving while charged
- ~ Fixed: Lightning doesn't reach bottom on large canvases
- ~ Fixed: Ghost pixels when placing Foam with low air temperature set
- ~ Fixed: 'CR' behavior cell errors with low air temperature set
- [Technical]
- + Portal 'channel' property can be set with the Prop tool (Integer)
- + runAfterReset function
- + isBreakable function
- + 'breakIntoColorMultiplier' element property
- + 'onMoveInto' element property, called when another pixel moves into it (function(pixel1,pixel2))
- + 'chargeStart' pixel property
- ~ 'breakIntoColor' element property can be used without 'breakInto'
- + 'sense' sensor property to detect a certain element
- ~ Optimized electricity
- ~ Fire is affected by air density
- + View setting dropdown includes views added by mods
- ~ currentSaveData is now always defined, and holds metadata about the current canvas, even non-saves
- + currentSaveData always contains a UUID for seeded randomness
- ~ Default max pixel count slightly increased
- ~ Save version is now sb3
- ~ Canvas border width is now stored (Default 1 for old saves)
- ~ Pixel properties with value "undefined" are skipped
- + Error message in console for broken translation files
- + GUI translation support
- + More GUI elements have IDs
- + Future standalone mode
[Version 1.10.2 - December 15, 2024 - Birthday III]
- + Cheese Powder, from breaking Cheese
- + Chocolate Powder, from breaking Chocolate
- [Changes]
- ~ Drawing lines shows a preview of pixel placement
- ~ Updated Brick texture for better shading
- ~ LEDs, Light Bulbs, and Fireflies can be painted
- + Humans panic when seeing dangerous things, like Fire
- + Humans change direction after hitting walls
- ~ Humans eat more consistently
- ~ Humans have a panic limit
- ~ Humans no longer eat Human meat
- ~ Smash tool moves pixels if they can't be broken
- + Steam decomposes at extreme temperatures
- + Ruins has a Brick texture
- ~ Brick Rubble no longer breaks into Dust
- ~ Recolored Brick Rubble
- + Glass has a light border
- ~ Fancy textures have grain, besides Glass
- + Rock Wall can be made by gluing Rocks
- + Brick can be made by gluing Brick Rubble
- + Mudstone can be made by gluing Dirt
- + Packed Sand can be made by Sand
- + Sponges can dry Mud and Wet Sand
- + Clay can be made by dissolving Wet Sand in Acid
- + Cement can be made with Clay and Quicklime
- ~ Quicklime no longer turns into Limestone on its own
- + Plastic breaks into Beads
- + Charcoal slowly stains solids
- + Animals can spawn Eggs or offspring in Water
- + Seeds planted under soil will rise
- + Birds eat Spiders and their Webs
- + Rocks destroy Webs
- + Frogs release Steam when cooked
- + Worms break down Fiber
- ~ Worms compost some Sawdust into Dirt
- + Soap kills Snails and Slugs
- + Soap removes Slime
- + Alcohol kills Flower Pistils
- + Mercury kills Algae
- ~ Sap boils into some Steam
- ~ Bread is less flammable
- + Ammonia affects Wheat
- + Poison dirties Salt Water, Sugar Water, and Seltzer
- + Water on burning Oil will explode
- + Bleach reacts with Nut Oil and Grease
- + Baking Soda reacts with Soap
- + Copper Sulfate kills Spiders
- + Copper Sulfate stains Zinc
- + Bless removes Heat Ray
- + Plague makes Heads green
- + Plague destroys Skin
- + Hair absorbs some Water
- ~ Breaking Balloons makes some Pop
- ~ Cheese flows slower
- ~ Coffee Grounds in Milk brew into Coffee instead
- ~ Mushroom Spores no longer break
- ~ Acid Clouds don't precipitate when too hot or cold
- ~ Border can be painted
- ~ Tweaked Charcoal heat color
- ~ Moved Light Bulb to after LEDs
- + Midas Touch turns Paper green
- ~ Midas Touch turns Humans into solid Gold instead of Coins
- + Wall alias 'Solid'
- + Mayo alias 'Mayonnaise'
- + Alcohol alias 'Ethanol'
- + Unbreakable elements are clarified in element info
- ~ Screenshots download with name of current save
- ~ Pixel count turns red when all canvas sizes are full
- ~ Log messages have a black shadow to read on bright backgrounds
- ~ TPS dialog displays minimum and maximum
- [Bug Fixes]
- ~ Fixed: Replace Mode causes pixels to float while placing
- ~ Fixed: Detached Heads and dead Humans can eat food
- ~ Fixed: Pixel alpha isn't set from element properties on creation
- ~ Fixed: Molten Thermite continues to heat when not burning
- ~ Fixed: Prop tool can't set value when existing value is null
- ~ Fixed: Unbreakable pixels can burn away when using Prop tool (Perma-burning!!!)
- ~ Fixed: Pixels with burnt states never burn when using Prop tool
- ~ Fixed: Prop tool doesn't retain "0" value on next dialog
- ~ Fixed: Prop tool doesn't handle changing "x" and "y" properties
- ~ Fixed: Placing Fire on insulative pixels heats them
- ~ Fixed: Burning heats insulative pixels
- ~ Fixed: Rays, Bless, Radiation, and some Bombs change insulative pixel temperature
- ~ Fixed: Stink Bugs aren't properly killed by Frogs, Sap, Copper Sulfate, and Borax
- ~ Fixed: Erasing with Lookup selected will only erase 1x1
- ~ Fixed: Erasing fast with Pick or Lookup selected will leave gaps
- ~ Fixed: Hail doesn't conduct heat
- ~ Fixed: Hail cannot break solids without a defined state
- ~ Fixed: Breaking Humans eventually creates Sand and Cement
- ~ Fixed: Element buttons arranged in weird columns after certain issues
- ~ Fixed: Ball doesn't have density and floats on gases
- [Technical]
- + BORDER render preset
- + 'grain' element property
- + 'toolHoverStat' element property, function that takes the hovered pixel while selected
- + 'buttonColor' element property
- ~ Humans now eat any element with true 'isFood' property
- ~ Pixels with 0% alpha won't appear in Basic View
- ~ LEDs with 0% alpha will only appear when powered
- + releaseElement function has option to replace liquids
- ~ Fixed: lineCoords function returns duplicate values
- + empty.js mod for browser JavaScript overriding
[Version 1.10.1 - October 5, 2024 - Creepy Crawlies]
- [Crawly]
- + Spider, will climb and create Webs
- + Web (Hidden), will trap bugs
- + Ants can climb walls
- [Creepy]
- + Soul (Hidden), from Humans
- + Ectoplasm (Hidden)
- + Tombstone, spawns Souls
- ~ Note: Soul features will move to the souls.js mod after October
- + Candy is candy corn-colored
- + Humans will wear orange shirts on Halloween
- [Changes]
- + Fire can heat existing pixels when placed over them
- + Wet Sand and Mud release Steam when heated
- + Smashing Clouds can release their Water
- + Water will create Bubbles before boiling
- + Dirty Water can be purified before boiling
- + Panicking humans will cause others to panic
- + Rice can be fermented
- + Rats can eat Vines
- + Bleach kills Algae
- + Salt slowly dissolves in Bleach
- + Bleach destroys Ink and Dye
- + Bleach stains Porcelain Shards brown
- + Caramel dissolves in Vinegar
- + Image tool set to Paint will recolor pixels
- + Midas Touch converts hot liquids to Molten Gold
- ~ Thermite can no longer form Slag
- ~ Milk boils more realistically
- ~ Increased minimum temperature for Meat to make Grease
- ~ Blaster explodes into less Plasma
- ~ Moved Hive to after Bee when unhidden
- + Rust alias 'Iron Oxide'
- [Bug Fixes]
- ~ Fixed: Mix with Replace Mode deletes pixels
- ~ Fixed: Cannot Erase lines on mobile
- ~ Fixed: Heat glow appears in inappropriate views
- ~ Fixed: Void can be dragged
- ~ Fixed: Oxidized Copper can't sink in liquids
- ~ Fixed: Pressure Plate doesn't conduct Heat or sink
- ~ Fixed: Fire created by molten pixels isn't hot enough
- ~ Fixed: Mods added with backslash can't be removed
- ~ Fixed: Single Sponge pixels have NaN moisture
- ~ Fixed: Non-string hoverStat values crash simulation
- ~ Fixed: Crash when pixel changes state into a customColor element
- [Technical]
- + URL parameter ?holiday=false disables holiday events
- + Pressure Plate 'min' attribute for minimum density
- + 'onStateHigh' and 'onStateLow' element properties
- + 'buttonGlow' element property
- + Saves with abnormally large canvases display a warning
- + createPixel and changePixel functions accept null values
- ~ Corn updated to use 'onStateHigh' property
- ~ Pixel 'glow' attribute can be false to override default
- ~ Pixel 'glow' attribute is removed when pixel changes
- ~ Random element is no longer hard-coded
[Version 1.10 - August 2, 2024 - Return of the Sand]
- + Rice
- + Galvanized Steel (Hidden)
- + Midas Touch
- + Limitless Mode setting to remove pixel and cursor size limits
- + Wide canvas size setting
- + Czech language
- + Liquid Ozone (Hidden)
- [Rendering]
- ~ Improved cursor smoothness, at up to 60 FPS
- + Shift+C to screenshot without background
- + Aurora Borealis and other Flash effects fade out over time
- + Fire has a gradient effect
- + Metals, Charcoal, and more glow when hot
- + Wood chars as it gets hot
- + Embers get more intense over time
- + Fireflies, Blasters, and Fireballs glow
- + Fancy Textures setting is now "Fancy Pixels"
- + Fancy Pixels setting toggles per-element rendering effects
- [Sponge Rework]
- + Sponges and Cloth keep track of moisture
- + Moisture can be released by smashing or boiling
- + Sponge becomes darker as it absorbs Water
- + Dust prevents Sponge from absorbing liquids
- [Ray Changes]
- + Rays spawn particles when hitting border
- + Rays delete from top to bottom
- ~ Freeze Ray has a lighter color
- [Fuse Changes]
- + Fuse won't emit any smoke when burning
- + Fuse can carry electricity
- + Fuse won't conduct into E-cloners or Sensors
- + These new mechanics can create simple toggle switches or logic gates
- + Sensors ignore Flash
- + Sensors are immune to Acid
- ~ Moved Fuse to Machines
- [Ocean Changes]
- + Foam generates on sandy Salt Water shores
- + Foam generates when Salt Water wets Sand
- + Algae and Dead Bugs can Foam up Water
- + Nitrogen can encourage Algae growth
- + Fish and Humans can make air Bubbles in Water
- [Other Changes]
- + Extinguishing elements can be drawn over burning pixels
- + Steel texture
- ~ Void deletes pixels instantly regardless of hardness
- ~ Pipes are indestructible
- + Superconductivity in Aluminum, Gallium, Lead, Mercury, Tin, Tungsten, Uranium, Zinc
- + Charcoal neutralizes Poison
- + Silver control rod reaction produces Radiation
- + Antimatter reacts with Proton, Neutron, and Electric
- ~ Diamonds only evaporate if Oxygen or Fire is present
- ~ Recolored Hydrogen flame
- + Molten Salt can explode on contact with Water
- + Hot Wax can explode on contact with Water
- ~ Unhid Borax
- + Ruins can be damaged by Fire, Smoke, Dirty Water, and Humans
- ~ Ruins can't be dragged
- ~ Dust from Ruins is more grainy
- + Paper breaks into Confetti
- + Paper can turn Oxygen into Fragrance
- + Lamp Oil freezes into Wax
- + Gunpowder recipe
- ~ Dynamite is slightly stronger than TNT
- + Bleach stains Porcelain
- + Rad Steam, Glass, and Shards dirty Water
- ~ Humans spawn with their full bodies immediately
- + Fish die slowly in Pool Water or Vinegar
- + Worms decompose Feathers
- + Birds rarely drop Feathers
- + Birds eat Stink Bugs
- + Stink Bugs eat Beans
- ~ Frogs cook into accurate color
- + Hives will break into some Wax
- + Bees give Humans rashes
- + Ant Farm world gen type
- + Grass is killed by Baking Soda
- + Lichen are killed by Stench and Smog
- + Poison can be filtered by Charcoal and Gravel
- + Vinegar can cure Meat
- + Tea can mix with Nut Milk
- + Coffee and Tea can mix with Milk variants
- + Nut Milk can be radiated
- + Mayo can be made from Grease or Nut Oil
- + Sodium, Potassium, and Calcium react with Nut Milk
- + Iron can be rusted by Coffee, Tea, Broth, and Juice
- + Coffee kills Snails and Slugs
- + Soda made from Juice has unique color
- + Udder produces more Milk when smashed
- + Hair can get dandruff if too oily
- + Skin will grow Hair when cold
- + Lead can infect Blood
- + Epsom Salt can cure Infection and kill Mushroom Spores
- + Fallout makes Meat rot
- ~ Seeds element changes immediately
- + Bless can heal Glass and Clay Shards
- + Bless and Glue can heal Ruins
- + Bless turns Gunpowder to Charcoal
- + Bless removes Warp
- + Rainbow can take over Static
- + Ink and Art can be drawn over Paper
- + Strange Matter explodes when entering Void
- + Malware can be made from Electric + Virus
- + Snake kills Rats, Birds, and Eggs
- ~ Earthquakes and Tsunamis have a maximum magnitude
- ~ Recolored Fallout
- ~ Updated Hydrogen and Helium shock colors
- ~ E-wall displays with a hyphen
- ~ Decreased Spray Paint density
- + Borax alias 'Sodium Borate'
- ~ Buttons are spaced more evenly, and more GUI changes
- ~ Cooldowns don't apply when paused
- + Save slot overwriting popup
- ~ Save slot overwriting warning is red
- [Bug Fixes]
- ~ Fixed: Shift button doesn't appear on some iPads
- ~ Fixed: Gaps when using tools, like Erase or Paint
- ~ Fixed: Erase tool cannot make lines with Shift
- ~ Fixed: Cursor is slow when on low TPS
- ~ Fixed: Jittering gas colors
- ~ Fixed: Smoke from Cold Fire is hot
- ~ Fixed: Replace Mode can override pixel limit
- ~ Fixed: Yolk and Cream fail to make Eggnog
- ~ Fixed: Some fireflies spawn with yellow color already
- ~ Fixed: Using Antibomb on a Tsunami creates Unknown
- ~ Fixed: Color Sand, Stained Glass, Rainbow, Static, and Border don't color when paused
- ~ Fixed: Rainbow doesn't conduct heat
- ~ Fixed: Some placed elements are not affected by custom air temperature
- ~ Fixed: Some placed elements color wrong if changing state with custom air temperature
- ~ Fixed: Custom-color elements take color from previously placed random-color element
- ~ Fixed: Mobile Shift button can become desynchronized
- ~ Fixed: Shocker and Tesla Coil shock themselves
- ~ Fixed: Shocking Nitro causes ghost pixels
- [Technical]
- ~ Rendering was overhauled, which could cause some mods to break
- + See 1.10example.js for all new rendering/modding features
- + Moddable views
- + Moddable and overridable keybinds
- + Canvas layer rendering system
- + Functions runEveryTick, runPerPixel, renderEachPixel, renderPrePixel, renderPostPixel
- + 'renderer' element property
- + 'onPlace', 'onDelete', 'onChange', 'onBreak' element property
- + 'alpha' element and pixel property, for opacity (0-1)
- + 'glow' pixel property (true/false)
- + 'superconductAt' element property (Celsius)
- ~ Background color is no longer drawn to canvas
- ~ Optimized MOLTEN behavior
- + Unknown pixels show invalid element when hovered over
- + Invisible ghost pixels should be automatically removed
- ~ Pixels created after passing pixel limit will be removed next frame
- - Removed Wide beta keybind
[Version 1.9.5 - May 15, 2024 - Update of the Summer]
- + Mixer
- + Grinder
- + Kelp
- + Freeze Ray
- + Cloth, made from glueing Feathers
- + Aurora Borealis, when Protons excite Oxygen high up
- [Quality of Life]
- + Mobile Shift button
- + Intensified tools and line drawing on mobile
- + Canvas Size setting
- + Lookup tool can have a bigger radius
- [Changes]
- + Tornado Fire, Sand, and Water variant
- + Tornaodes, Earthquakes, and Tsunamis can merge
- ~ Tsunamis no longer clone molten and other dense liquids
- + Sand and Ash in Tornadoes create Cloud variants
- + Tornadoes are immune to explosions
- + Disasters are immune to Acid
- + Bless can remove disasters
- + Bless turns Rotten Cheese to a blue variant
- + Pipes retain color in saves
- + Silver absorbs Neutrons (Nuclear control rods)
- ~ Room Temp tool now uses air temperature in Settings
- ~ Unhid Lattice
- ~ Oil burns slower
- + Rocks will trample Grass
- + Glue can convert Cellulose to Paper
- + Fleas will eat Plant
- + Salt powder slowly kills Plant
- + Alcohol Gas ignites at high temperatures
- + Liquid Light is immune to Acid
- + Cement neutralizes Acid
- ~ Gallium reaction breaks down some Aluminum again
- + Charcoal breaks down at extreme temperatures
- ~ Hydrogen reaction now depletes Sulfur
- ~ Water reaction now depletes Caramel
- + Juice Ice breaks into Slush
- + Ink mixes with Dye
- + Sugar dissolves in Juice
- + Fruit Milk dissolves in Tea
- + Nut Milk can wet soil
- + Humans burn on the Sun
- + Humans steal Diamonds
- + Bees and Cyanide irritate Skin
- + Mycelium breaks down dead matter
- + Mycelium and Hyphae will rot Meat
- + Rats eat Cured Meat
- + Ketchup-Baking Soda reaction is more fizzy
- ~ Snails turn to Limestone instead of Quicklime
- + Slaked Lime-Seltzer reaction
- + Limestone-Acid reaction creates byproducts
- ~ Cooled Quicklime forms a Limestone layer
- ~ Quicklime-Water reaction produces more heat
- ~ Lowered Quicklime melting point
- + Hot Quicklime produces Flash
- ~ Potassium-Chlorine reaction produces Fire
- + Potassium Salt reacts with hot Sodium
- + Potassium Gas (Hidden)
- + Bless cleans stains left by reactions
- + Bless cures Meat
- + Bless removes Dust and Grease
- ~ Improved Dead Plant coalification
- ~ Rockets no longer expel Cloners
- + Lattice reacts with Cold Fire
- + Gray Goo can melt
- + Virus is killed by Liquid Light
- + Static mouseover effect
- + Static breaks into Malware
- ~ Moved Ball to Special
- ~ Moved Pop when unhidden
- ~ Border element button shows stripes
- ~ Recolored Glitter
- ~ Recolored fermented Grape
- ~ Hid Clone Powder
- + Potassium Salt alias 'Potassium Chloride'
- ~ Tweaked electricity for low-conductivity elements
- ~ Updated Settings menu
- + Maximum pixel count, with red indicator
- ~ Optimized very large explosions
- [Bug Fixes]
- ~ Fixed: Gaps when drawing fast on mobile
- ~ Fixed: Middle clicking empty space causes freeze
- ~ Fixed: Bless and Rock Wall can't be drawn in a line
- ~ Fixed: Gapes when drawing Bless and Rock Wall fast
- ~ Fixed: Bless and Rock Wall don't display info
- ~ Fixed: Bless and Rock can't use Replace Mode
- ~ Fixed: Brown Dwarf Suns can emit Light when eclipsed
- ~ Fixed: Language selector doesn't update on refresh
- ~ Fixed: Mouse size continues increasing past max size
- ~ Fixed: Uncharge tool doesn't put out LEDs
- ~ Fixed: Water extinguishes Greek Fire and Firework over and over
- ~ Fixed: Dragging at tick 0 freezes pixels in place
- ~ Fixed: Evergreen info page displays NaN
- ~ Fixed: Spawned Molten Magnesium behaves strange when heated
- ~ Fixed: Copper Sulfate freezing point is too low
- ~ Fixed: Stained Glass doesn't retain color when exploded
- ~ Fixed: Stained Glass placed at tick 0 doesn't retain color
- ~ Fixed: Antimatter and Antimatter Bomb trigger each other
- ~ Fixed: Strange Matter destroys Cloners
- ~ Fixed: Nothing can clone Wire
- ~ Fixed: TPS prompt displays error after canceling
- ~ Fixed: Decimal coordinates when resetting with odd canvas size
- ~ Fixed: No double state change when spawning at high airTemp
- ~ Fixed: Pixels retain clone property when changed
- ~ Fixed: Crash when mod deletes Sand
- ~ Fixed: Elements with single-color arrays have black buttons
- ~ Fixed: 'perTick' error when loading page
- ~ Fixed: 'fillStyle' error when loading page
- [Technical]
- + Behavior grids bigger than 3x3 are centered
- + Behavior grids can be smaller than 3x3
- + Moddable behavior rules
- ~ Behavior rules are stored in new behaviorRules object
- + SM (Smash) behavior rule
- + MX (Mix) behavior rule (MX:true to mix solids)
- + CC (Change Color) can now take a target, e.g. CC:sand>#00ffff
- ~ CC (Change Color) no longer applies grain
- + EX (Explode) follows element 'ignore' property
- ~ Placed Paint and Shock tools are removed by Unpaint and Uncharge
[Version - April 8, 2024 - Eclipse Special]
- + Attempting to place Rock Wall on top of Sun begins a solar eclipse
- + Sun can draw over Light pixels
[Version 1.9.4 - March 17, 2024 - Natural Disasters]
- + Tornado
- + Earthquake
- + Tsunami
- + Blaster
- + Sandstorm (Hidden)
- [Changes]
- + Scrolling resizes in correct direction on Windows
- + Invert Scroll setting
- ~ Humans no longer trample Grass
- ~ Milk no longer turns to Yogurt when heated
- + Milk turns to Yogurt in Primordial Soup
- + Cells can ferment Milk into Yogurt
- + Cells boil and freeze into some Sugar
- + Cheese can be made from Nut Milk
- + Hives show Bee count when hovered
- + Flies, Fireflies, and Rats get trapped in Glue
- + Worms can compost Charcoal and Straw
- + Snails eat Pickles and Grapes
- + Slugs eat Grapes
- + Evergreen trees drop Pinecones when burned
- ~ Pinecones can withstand high temperatures
- + Wheat dries and freezes into Straw
- + Straw breaks into Flour
- + Potato can be deep-fried
- + Water can explode in hot Nut Oil
- + Soda can disolve Eggs
- + Yeast ferments Mashed Potato
- + Potatoes can charge Zinc or Copper
- + Batteries explode when melted
- + Ammonia can spawn Algae in Water
- + Broth can extinguish small fires
- + Salt slowly dissolves in Caramel
- + Ketchup and Baking Soda reaction
- + Acid kills Plant and Tree Branch before dissolving it
- + Copper Sulfate kills Termites, Plant, Grass, Algae, and Mushrooms
- + Caustic Potash and Acid reaction
- + Nickel can resist Acid
- + Aluminum breaks into Metal Scrap
- + Thermite can be made from Metal Scrap
- + Gallium stains solids
- + Gold can alloy with AlGa
- + Electrum breaks into Gold Coins
- + Electrolysis on Salt Water produces Chlorine
- + Alcohol can purify Infection
- + Vaccine and Antibody can cure Rotten Meat and Cheese
- + Soap releases Fragrance when burned
- + Soap can be made from Milk
- + Paper is yellowed by Light and Oxygen
- + Plant is yellowed by Chlorine
- + Skin is darkened and reddened by Light
- + Skin will rash when exposed to irritants
- + Neutrons can react with Plant, Gunpowder, Yeast, and Firework
- + Positrons react violently with Electric
- + Light can kill Plague and Virus
- ~ Virus no longer eats Light or Loopy
- ~ Loopy ignores Cloners
- ~ Cancer is killed by Radiation faster
- + Cancer can be killed by Laser
- ~ Diamond is no longer indestructible, but still very strong
- ~ Diamonds will no longer form if Charcoal is too hot
- ~ Moved Bubble to Gases
- + Bubbles pop when cooled or heated
- ~ Tweaked Bleach and Vinegar reaction
- ~ Randomized Egg hatching rate
- ~ Cacti no longer grow arms at their base
- + Bamboo burns into Embers
- + Malware can hijack Loopy
- + Malware can misalign Lattice
- + Malware can break down Border
- + Rainbow breaks into Static
- + Bless revives Tree Branches from Saplings
- + Bless purifies Pilk
- + Bless removes Color Smoke and Spray Paint
- + Packed Snow breaks into Snow
- + Water can put out Antifire
- ~ Antifire ignores air density
- ~ Holding Shift can force mix dense ingredients into Batter
- ~ Gave unique colors to Supernova, NExplosion, and Pop
- ~ Recolored Molten Potassium and Molten Magnesium
- ~ Tweaked charged Hydrogen and Helium colors
- ~ Moved Ball to Special (For real this time)
- ~ Moved Perfume to Liquids
- ~ Moved Amber to Solids
- ~ Save names are truncated in save menu
- + Humans always save skin and shirt color in saves
- + Shift can be held when pressing -/+ buttons
- + Unpaint tool downgrades colorful element variants
- + Earthquakes and Tornadoes in random events
- + Magma alias 'Lava'
- - Removed Smooth View (Try moreViews.js!)
- [Bug Fixes]
- ~ Fixed: Evergreen and Lattice can be dragged
- ~ Fixed: Cellulose isn't considered a liquid
- ~ Fixed: Cellulose density too low
- ~ Fixed: Ketchup could result from recipes with Butter
- ~ Fixed: Accented element names capitalize incorrectly
- ~ Fixed: Virus can destroy invincible pixels
- ~ Fixed: E-cloner doesn't copy temperature
- ~ Fixed: Middle click begins scrolling on Windows
- ~ Fixed: Swapping to secondary element doesn't focus category
- ~ Fixed: Alcohol Gas has 110% flammability
- ~ Fixed: Acid Gas can destroy some Acid-resistant elements
- ~ Fixed: Certain Cactus pixel grows instantly
- ~ Fixed: Typo in Hydrogen and Sulfur reaction
- ~ Fixed: Antigas places at room temperature
- ~ Fixed: Hot Antifire burns indefinitely
- ~ Fixed: Melted Wax viscosity defined twice
- ~ Fixed: Flash lower state defined twice
- ~ Fixed: Ketchup boils into Vinegar, which immediately boils
- ~ Fixed: F11 doesn't toggle fullscreen (May need Shift)
- ~ Fixed: Water causes Ember to stop burning, etc.
- ~ Fixed: Bless can create everlasting Fire
- ~ Fixed: Spawning Liquid Propane causes pulse effect
- ~ Fixed: Stained Glass and Color Sand can't be painted
- [Technical]
- + Prop tool accepts lowercase "-infinity"
- ~ Prop tool deselects on invalid input
- + onMouseDown() element property
- + hoverStat(pixel) element property for hover info, return string
- + stain1 and stain2 reaction property, accepts hex color code
- + Shift + W?
[Version 1.9.3 - February 2, 2024 - Mix & Munch]
Read More on the Newsletter!
- + Potassium
- + Magnesium
- + Antibomb
- + Nut Oil
- + Cured Meat, from mixing with Salt
- + Grease, from cooking Meat
- + (BETA) Support for British, German, French, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Chinese
- [Chemistry]
- + Water and Foam can extinguish small fires (Outer pixels)
- + Hydrogen is explosive when burning
- ~ Improved Calcium-Water reaction
- + Calcium reacts with Water variants
- ~ Recolored Calcium
- + Calcium-Acid reaction
- + Calcium exposed to air turns to Quicklime
- + Quicklime is an insecticide
- + Limestone can break into Gravel
- ~ Many things no longer turn to raw Calcium
- ~ Tweaked Quicklime-Water rection
- + Oil distills into Propane, Plastic, and Lamp Oil at certain temperatures
- + Cells break down Oil into Methane
- + Propane Ice (Hidden)
- ~ Copper no longer oxidizes in Water
- + Soap recipe
- + Potassium Salt recipe
- + Glue can be made from Bones
- + Acid reacts with Zinc and Sugar
- + Blue and Rose Gold can break
- ~ Recolored Electrum for consistency with other Golds
- ~ Anesthesia requires heat for production
- ~ AlGa reaction creates proper amounts
- ~ Aluminum flame color
- ~ Foam deletes when frozen
- + Caustic Potash (Hidden)
- [Life]
- + Evergreen breaks into Sap
- + Sap is flammable
- + Flowers have more color variety (Light & dark)
- ~ Spawned Petals are multicolor again
- + Pollen requires soil to germinate
- + Pollen will sometimes fail to germinate
- ~ Bees drop Pollen less often if plants are nearby
- ~ Bees lose their Pollen when dropping it
- + Bees warm Hive to at least 33°C
- + Ant Walls can be damaged by Fire
- + Rats can eat Worms, Ants, Frogs, Snails, and Slugs
- + Worms, Fish, and Grass die in Alcohol
- ~ Fish Eggs are colored black
- ~ Fish no longer eat Meat
- ~ Snails and Slugs no longer die in Salt Water
- ~ Snails consume Limestone slower
- + Humans eat Pickles and Sauce
- ~ Humans won't rot while being defibrillated
- + Cancer kills Grass
- ~ Ocean worldgen uses Salt Water
- [Cooking]
- ~ Mixing Dough and Batter changes color without deleting ingredients
- + Yeast, Cream, Baking Soda, and Quicklime help Dough and Batter rise
- + Deep-fried color when cooking Dough or Batter in hot Nut Oil, Butter, or Grease
- + Cooking Nut Meat makes some Nut Oil
- + Dough can be made with Vinegar
- + Cheese can be made with Yogurt
- + Yeast can ferment Milk into Cheese
- + Honey, Caramel, and Molasses can sweeten Water
- + Mixing Honey and Sugar Water creates Wax
- + Coffee Pumpkin Spice color variant
- ~ Tea and Coffee spawn warm
- ~ Moved Cream slightly
- ~ Moved Rad Cloud and Rad Steam slightly
- + Fat (Hidden)
- [Other]
- + Save menu includes Author and Description inputs
- + Save menu remembers your name for later
- + Save menu autofills info from current save
- + Some elements will forcefully save with color
- ~ Settings don't save when in a loaded save
- + Image tool works with Replace Mode
- + Image tool replaces pixels when holding Shift
- + Hidden count goes down in real time when unlocking
- + Clay Soil heats up into Brick
- + Clay and Dirt or Gravel makes Clay Soil
- + Clay freezes into Clay Soil
- + Nitro and Clay or TNT makes Dynamite
- ~ Dynamite must be broken or shocked to explode
- ~ Gunpowder is less powerful than Dynamite
- + Bubbles pop when broken
- + Soap removes Glue
- ~ Soap reactions are less instant
- + Mercury dirties Seltzer
- + Uranium dirties Slush
- + Uranium slowly melts Snow
- + Ozone pops Balloons
- + Greek Fire ignites on contact with Plasma
- + Bless removes Liquid Stench
- + Virus-infected pixels can be restored with Soap or Bless
- + Virus ignores Plasma
- + Malware can interrupt Virus restoration
- ~ Virus optimizations
- + Vertical and Horizontal can swap when given opposite energies
- + Heat Ray and God Ray have densities
- + Pyrite, Electrum, and Yogurt aliases
- ~ Hid Clay Shard
- ~ Moved Ball to Special
- ~ Updated Cheerful Mode description
- - Removed Sticky Bomb, Cluster Bomb, Electro Bomb, and Water Bomb
- - Instead available in new classic_explosives.js mod
- [Bug Fixes]
- ~ Fixed: Repairing with Glue duplicates material
- ~ Fixed: Painted Plant turns Light green
- ~ Fixed: Molten Sodium and Sodium Gas burn with too much Fire
- ~ Fixed: Melted and Rotten Cheese densities inconsistent
- ~ Fixed: Molasses boils into Sugar which immediately burns
- ~ Fixed: Single Dirty Water pixel turns infinite Snow to Slush
- ~ Fixed: Rad Steam doesn't form Rad Cloud when touching Cloud
- ~ Fixed: TPS accepts negative values
- ~ Fixed: Hive is draggable
- ~ Fixed: Nut Milk can't be mixed into Batter/Dough
- [Technical]
- + Shift-Picking a pixel copies its properties
- + Z key swaps to secondary element
- + Backspace swaps to previous element
- + Prop tool supports NaN and lowercase Infinity values
- ~ Unhid Prop
- + 'extinguish' element property (true/false)
- + 'forceSaveColor' element property (true/false)
- ~ Custom element names and spaces are normalized in buttons
[Version 1.9.2 - January 9, 2024 - New Year New Use]
- + Purple Gold, made from Gold + Aluminum
- + Blue Gold, made from Gold + Gallium
- + Pickle
- + Some foods can be pickled with Vinegar
- ~ Solids will no longer Mix unless Shift is held
- ~ Revamped Rocket behavior
- [Ants]
- + Ants can create underground tunnels
- + Ant Wall (Hidden)
- + Ants can climb diagonally
- + Ants can dig through Color Sand
- [Bees]
- + Bees can create, enter, and move inside Hives
- + Hive (Hidden)
- + Hives produce and drip Honey when Bees pollinate
- + Bees can eat the Honey they produce
- + Each hive has a Queen, which expands and makes more Bees
- [Changes]
- + Pipe Wall (Hidden)
- + Heat-resistant but breakable
- + Pipes remove non-solids when generating
- + Sensors can detect pixels inside Pipes
- + Malware hacks Cloners to create more of itself
- + Malware damages and scrambles Pipes
- + Malware causes Light Bulbs and Batteries to explode
- + Fireworks can be triggered with electricity
- + Shocking Gray Goo helps defeat it
- + EMP Bombs destroy Gray Goo
- + Broth can be made with Rotten Meat
- + Broth made from Dirty Water will be colored
- + Jelly can be made with Caramel
- + Jelly can be frozen
- + Flour and Melted Butter sauce recipe
- + Nut Milk can be added to Coffee
- ~ Milk now requires Shift to Mix into Butter
- ~ Coffee stains more often
- + Caramel can stain solids
- + Melting Rotten Cheese creates Stench
- + Stench can make Cheese rotten
- + Beans are flammable
- + Uranium can make Sugar Water and Seltzer dirty
- + Worms can move through Color Sand
- + Roots can grow through Color Sand
- + Cacti break into milky Sap
- + Poison can kill Homunculi
- + Oil can kill Ants and Bees
- + Chlorine, Dioxin, Fallout, and Neutrons can kill Humans
- + Bleach and Acid reaction creates Poison Gas
- ~ Acid no longer destroys Gold Coins or Silver
- + Tin pest occurs at low temperatures
- + Glass Shards change Light color
- + Antigas turns to Antifire when hot
- + Human shirts burn off before death
- + Humans can eat Jelly, Mayo, and Mashed Potato
- ~ Humans have a cooldown when on lowest cursor size
- ~ Fiber no longer falls diagonally
- ~ Nukes, H-Bombs, and Dirty Bombs no longer explode on upward contact
- ~ Tweaked Acid Gas density
- ~ Tweaked density for molten Calcium, Sodium, Aluminum, Nickel, Copper, Silver, Tin, Gold, Uranium
- ~ Tweaked Cheese density so it floats on Sauce
- ~ Moved Rocket to Weapons
- ~ Recolored Rocket
- ~ Recolored Rose Gold
- ~ Hid Cancer
- + Sauce Ice (Hidden)
- + H key will prevent canvas rendering
- ~ Social links are color-coded
- [Bug Fixes]
- ~ Fixed: More than a 1x1 of Lattice ruins the effect
- ~ Fixed: Baked Batter can mix into Baked Batter
- ~ Fixed: Prop tool sometimes doesn't allow null values
- ~ Fixed: Pinecones glitch when growing through Water
- ~ Fixed: Stained Glass doesn't retain color when breaking
- ~ Fixed: Cursor flickers when stepping ticks
- ~ Fixed: Pointer flickering appearance
- ~ Fixed: Udder, Pointer, and Corn can be dragged
- ~ Fixed: Erasing while dragging causes ghost pixels
- ~ Fixed: Pixels behave strange when dragging through Pipe
- ~ Fixed: Superheated Sawdust when smashing Torch
- ~ Fixed: Bees create Flower Seeds from pollinating trees
- [Technical]
- ~ Hid Prop tool
- ~ Optimizations
- ~ Heat, Cool, and Lookup no longer hard-coded
- + eListAdd(listName, itemList) function
[Version 1.9.1 - December 1, 2023 - Cozy Solstice]
- + Pipe
- 1. Draw a line with Pipe, maybe while paused
- 2. Wait for walls to form around it
- 3. Erase an exit point and allow Pipe to generate
- + Mayo
- + Mulch
- + Porcelain Shard (Hidden)
- + Jelly (Hidden)
- [Coffee]
- + Coffee Bean
- + Coffee Ground (Hidden)
- + Coffee (Hidden)
- [Nuts]
- + Nuts
- + Nut Meat (Hidden, from crushing)
- + Nut Butter (Hidden, from cooking)
- + Nut Milk (Hidden, from soaking)
- [Festivities]
- + Candy is candy cane-colored
- + Mashed Potato (Hidden)
- + Skin will warm itself up when cold
- [Other Changes]
- + Roots grow through Grass
- ~ Saplings no longer turn to wood all at once
- ~ Tree Branches no longer grow when burning
- ~ Tree Branches, Plant, and Grass are less flammable
- + Soda deoxidizes Rust and Copper
- + Balloons pop near absolute zero
- + Balloons pop when touching Clouds
- + Humans can consume Tomatoes, Pumpkin Seeds, and Cream
- + Humans get gas when eating Beans
- + Humans can take Gold Coins
- + Skin spawns at average body temperature
- ~ Skin no longer heals wounds
- + Snails can eat Lettuce
- + Tadpoles and Evergreen can be smashed
- ~ Rats no longer eat Rotten Meat
- + Rats can drink Milk
- + Lichen convert Gravel and Rock Wall to Dirt
- + Yeast ferments Sugar Water and Soda
- + Caramel freezes into Candy much colder
- + Baked Batter breaks into Crumbs
- + Rotten Meat or Cheese and Flies remove Fragrance
- + Primordial Soup spawns at a warmer temperature
- + Ammonia affects Pumpkin Seeds, Herbs, and Tomatoes
- + Glue can fix shards
- + Salt makes Water colder
- + Water breaks down Confetti into Cellulose
- + Hydrogen burns into some Steam
- + Hydrogen fusion releases Neutrons
- + Anesthesia breaks down to Oxygen at high temperatures
- + Castner–Kellner process
- + Sodium and Mercury reaction shocks and releases heat
- + Sulfur burns into Stench
- + Sugar dissolves in Milk
- + Salt dissolves in Sauce and Melted Cheese
- + Juice can be radiated
- + Carbonating Juice makes Soda
- + Seltzer can dissolve Limestone over time
- + Water can weather Limestone into Sand
- + Vinegar slowly dissolves the shell of Eggs
- + Baking Soda releases CO₂ when heated
- + Tuff melts into Magma
- + E-cloner ignores Wire, Sensor, and Battery
- + Cloners ignore Wall
- + Incense recipe
- ~ Fragrance now dissipates over time
- ~ Oxygen spreads Fragrance and Stench slower
- ~ Molten Solder no longer makes Fire
- ~ Recolored Molten Solder
- ~ Recolored Gold Coin
- + Insulation won't mix unless Shift is held
- + LEDs can break into Glass Shards
- + Cloners display element on hover
- + Author name appears if present in loaded save
- + Pressing ; toggles Replace mode
- + Methane Ice
- - Removed Molten Baking Soda
- [Bug Fixes]
- ~ Fixed: Flicker when stepping frame
- ~ Fixed: Lamp Oil burns forever
- ~ Fixed: Mushroom Gills don't conduct heat
- ~ Fixed: Pumpkin, Stained Glass, Skin, Sponge, E-cloner can be dragged
- ~ Fixed: God Raying Gray Goo makes Rainbow
- ~ Fixed: Soda deletes Salt Water quickly
- ~ Fixed: Juice Ice darkens when melting
- ~ Fixed: Sand from Water weathering Tuff uses wrong color
- ~ Fixed: Hail doesn't apply color variants when breaking
- ~ Fixed: Confirmation appears when dropping save onto empty canvas
- ~ Fixed: Sauce density too high
- ~ Fixed: Hail is way too cold
- ~ Fixed: Humans continue panicking after extinguished
- ~ Fixed: Cloned pixels don't change state based on Cloner temperature
- ~ Fixed: Antifire doesn't react with Antifluid right
- ~ Fixed: Porcelain reforms immediately after breaking when hot
- ~ Fixed: Hot Bomb often melts itself
- ~ Fixed: Hard Yolk can't be mixed into Batter/Dough
- [Technical]
- + Prop tool
- + Option for uncompressed raw save data
- ~ Save version is now sb2
- ~ New saves may not work in older versions
- ~ Old saves will work fine
- + Version handling system, warnings
- + Random will work when placed by cheating
- ~ FW_Ember no longer has a long name
- + runAfterAutogen function
[Version 1.9 - October 13, 2023 - Local Saves]
- + Local Saves
- + SAVES button
- + Save the scene to 1 of 12 slots
- + Save the scene to a file
- + Load a scene from a file
- + Saves include a ton of information, even your selected element!
- + Choose to include your settings or mods
- + Drag & Drop or Paste a save file
- + Pumpkin
- + Fireproof solid for carving activities
- + Pumpkin Seed
- + Will grow when planted on soil!
- ~ Thermal View now uses a more useful logarithmic scale
- [Changes]
- + Resetting now adjusts canvas size if needed
- + Setting for dot in center of cursor
- + E-cloner can select an element while unpowered
- + E-cloner ignores Wires and E-walls
- + Grass can spread on Sand, Clay, and Mycelium
- + Tree roots can grow through Clay
- ~ Sap no longer mixes with Sawdust
- + Plant and Sauce remove Stench
- + Humans break Eggs, Grapes, and bugs when on top of them
- + Humans can trample Grass
- + Termites can eat Confetti, Straw, and Wheat
- + Fleas can eat Hair
- + Ants can eat Honey
- + Snails can eat Calcium, Limestone, and Paper
- + Worms can infect and swim in Blood
- + Worms are killed by Antibodies
- + Eggs die at high temperatures
- + Bugs will form Amber when touching Sap
- ~ Frogs and Fish burn slower
- + Uranium dirties Salt Water
- + Radiation can dirty Ice
- + Blood is infected by Rotten Meat and Rotten Cheese
- + Vinegar and Limestone reaction
- + Ketchup slowly deoxidizes Rust
- ~ Charcoal leaves behind Ash and less CO₂
- ~ C4 no longer explodes when burnt
- + C4 releases poisonous fumes when burnt
- + C4 burns longer, can be used as fuel
- + C4 explodes when broken
- + Fireworks ignite at high temperatures
- + Dye dissolves in Pool Water
- + Ink slowly dissolves in Water
- + Honey dissolves in Tea
- + Molten Salt conducts electricity
- + Hair can be made by radiating Skin
- + Skin can absorb Soap
- + Proton and Electric reaction generates heat
- + Positron and Electric reaction generates Light
- + Escape key resets to Normal View
- ~ Recolored Tuff
- ~ Recolored Blood
- ~ Selected element outline is more clear
- ~ Improved button readability
- ~ Improved canvas pixel sharpness
- + Pressing - or + button centers the cursor
- ~ Step button is now an arrow
- + Clear Saves setting
- [Bug Fixes]
- ~ Fixed: Fireworks and Flash don't transfer heat
- ~ Fixed: Flash from Heat Ray is not hot
- ~ Fixed: Alcohol Gas density too high
- ~ Fixed: Pistil and Mushroom Gill can be dragged
- ~ Fixed: Herb can't be mixed in Batter or Dough
- ~ Fixed: Amber spawns at high temperature
- ~ Fixed: Heads can detach if Body moves during reaction
- ~ Fixed: Many Flour reactions make Gingerbread instead of Dough
- ~ Fixed: Ghost pixels when burning Plague, other deleting gases
- ~ Fixed: Color picker always appears when toggling GUI on (F1)
- ~ Fixed: Cooldowned elements can't be placed before 8th tick
- ~ Fixed: Frozen Fish break into Slime
- [Technical]
- + logMessage() function
- + SOIL eList
- + generateSave() and loadSave() functions
- + resizeCanvas() and autoResizeCanvas() functions
- + sb1 save format
- ~ Browser dark color scheme for UI elements
- ~ Light, Laser, etc. use bx/by instead of vx/vy (velocity.js fix)
[Version 1.8.6 - August 21, 2023 - Reaction Overload]
- + Tomato
- + Sauce
- + Sensor - Detects movable pixels
- + Tuff - Formed from Ash and Magma
- + Clicking on an element again will deselect it
- + Sun world gen type
- [Changes]
- ~ Moved Salt to Food category [Feedback?]
- + Supernovae create many more elements
- + Stench now dissipates over time
- + Humans can drink Soda
- + Worms turn Ash and Crumbs into some Dirt
- + Birds can eat Crumbs
- + Birds and Rats spawn at body temperature
- + Flies can eat Honey
- + Grapes can be crushed by Limestone
- + Grapes will stick to Vine on all sides
- + Some Vines can grow Grapes or Tomatoes
- + Ketchup can be radiated
- + Eggs will crack if Rocks land on them
- + Seeds element can spawn Cacti
- + Candy breaks into Sugar
- + Snails break into Calcium
- + Lichen and Pollen break into Dust
- + Fleas and Termites die when broken
- + All seeds can be broken or frozen
- + Mercury can turn to Gold when hit with Neutrons
- + Mercury kills Plant and Grass
- + Grass can photosynthesize
- + Yogurt color variants for milk variants
- + Foam freezes into Dry Ice
- + Steel and Bronze can oxidize
- + Brass can corrode on contact with Ammonia
- + Confetti slowly breaks down in Water
- + Pool Water, Steam, Primordial Soup, and Fire can oxidize things
- + Charcoal purifies Pool Water
- + Charcoal desaturates Alcohol
- + Dioxins are absorbed by Ash and soils
- + Dioxin, Lead, and Solder dirty Water
- + Baking Soda and Acid reaction
- + Calcium and Water reaction
- + Limestone releases some Carbon Dioxide when heated
- + Quicklime can be converted back to Limestone with CO₂
- + Slaked Lime with Milk can make Glue
- + Lamp Oil starts burning at 220°C
- + Lamp Oil breaks down Wax
- + Lasers can break into Light
- ~ Liquid Light dissipates much slower
- + Light hitting Oxygen high up can form Ozone
- + Ozone forms when Lightning hits a body of Water
- + Ozone can kill Cells, Cancer, Infection, Plague, and small animals
- ~ Ozone oxidizes things faster than Oxygen
- + Ozone removes Chlorine
- + Chlorine can damage Tree Branches, Roots, and Pistils
- + Chlorine and burning Oil reaction
- + Chlorine and Baking Soda reaction
- + Chlorine and Sodium reaction
- + Greek Fire ignites on contact with water
- + Greek Fire recipe
- ~ Greek Fire no longer is burning by default
- + Sand and Vinegar can put out Greek Fire
- + Greek Fire and Vinegar can wet soil
- + Vinegar and Sodium also produces Hydrogen
- + Vinegar boils into Carbon Dioxide and Methane
- + Methane and Propane can be ignited with electricity
- + Sodium and Water also produces Hydrogen
- ~ Tweaked Sodium and Water reaction
- + Sodium can react with Pool Water and Primordial Soup
- + Uranium radiates Primordial Soup slowly
- + Primordial Soup is killed by Soap, Alcohol, and Mercury
- + Fish and Worms can swim in Primordial Soup
- + Primordial Soup converts Blood to Antibodies
- + Bleach deletes Blood
- + Bleach turns Poison into a gas
- + Skin wound healing
- + Skin will sweat to regulate temperature
- + Skin will bleed on contact with Acid
- + Skin will convert Cells
- ~ Infection no longer turns Cells to Cancer
- + Skin can spread Cancer
- + Skin and Hair can be radiated
- + Skin and Hair can break into Dust
- + Hair can burn into some Stench
- + Hair can be poisoned
- + Antidote deleting Poison is more random
- ~ Cement is more random when hardening
- + Nitro explodes on smash
- ~ Ammonia and Methane reaction also makes Hydrogen and Water
- ~ Tweaked Lead color
- + Molten Metal Scrap
- + Ammonia Ice
- + Oxidized Copper alias Copper Carbonate
- + Oil alias Petroleum
- + Alcohol, Cement, Concrete, and Cloners display with dark text
- + JavaScript disabled message
- + Unmixable elements specified in info page
- ~ Tweaked Drag color
- ~ Reordered Machines category
- ~ Randomized social link at bottom
- [Bug Fixes]
- ~ Fixed: Mods don't show in Mod Manager and can't be removed after crash
- ~ Fixed: Scroll disabled on fullscreen
- ~ Fixed: Pixels float if Drag is unselected by middle click or E prompt
- ~ Fixed: Border and Rainbow can be moved by Drag
- ~ Fixed: Border can be destroyed by Strange Matter
- ~ Fixed: Tools can be placed with Image tool
- ~ Fixed: Heat Ray doesn't make single pixels change state
- ~ Fixed: Bless doesn't remove Poison Gas or Poison Ice
- ~ Fixed: Heads don't fall through gases
- ~ Fixed: Rotten Meat at abs zero creates living abs zero flies
- ~ Fixed: Charcoal dirties Salt Water
- ~ Fixed: Pistils don't conduct heat or spread burning
- ~ Fixed: Density too high for Poison Gas, Dioxin, Liquid Ammonia, and Gallium Gas
- ~ Fixed: Sodium Acetate foams forever
- ~ Fixed: Lettuce can't be mixed into Dough or Batter
- [Technical]
- + Special Unknown element
- Used when no element is selected
- Replaces pixels created with invalid element
- Will show the invalid element in Debug
[Version 1.8.5 - July 27, 2023]
- + Drag tool
- + Tree color variety (8 variants!)
- ~ Mobile UI improvements
- + Warp (Special)
- + Crumb (Hidden, from broken foods)
- + Skin (Solid)
- + Hair (Hidden)
- [States]
- + Soda Ice (Hidden)
- + Bleach Ice (Hidden)
- + Frozen Vinegar (Hidden)
- + Amber (Hidden, frozen Sap)
- + Perfume (Hidden, liquid Fragrance)
- + Liquid Stench (Hidden)
- [Changes]
- + Molten Dirt can solidify into some Rock
- + Tools have descriptions on info page
- + Oil dirties Water
- + Humans will panic and run when burning
- + Rad Shards and Molten Rad Glass can produce radiation
- + Light and Laser retain color when liquified
- + Slag can be formed with Dirt
- + Slag can break into Gravel
- + Corn breaks into Flour
- + Mushrooms can release Poison when broken
- + Poison and Antidote can wet soil
- + Juice can wet Flour
- + Blood can oxidize Iron and Copper
- + Fallout will infect Blood
- + Birds turn to white meat when cooked
- + Birds smash into Blood
- + Cacti can be killed by Vinegar, Bleach, Baking Soda, and Alcohol
- + Humans can be killed by Poison and Cyanide
- + Cells can be killed by Plague, Soap, Mercury, Chlorine, and Cyanide
- + Dioxin can kill Plants, Grass, Vines, Saplings, and Cacti
- + Vinegar can kill Frogs slowly
- + Vinegar can kill Grass
- + Algae dies at hot and cold temperatures
- + Dust will burn at high temperatures
- + Melted Wax will break down at high temperatures
- + Uranium conducts electricity
- + Unburn tool can put out Embers and Torches
- + Bless turns Static to Rainbow
- + Static conducts electricity
- + Grapes can turn Water into Juice
- + Primordial Soup can wet Clay Soil
- + Hydrogen produces heat during fusion
- + Helium, Hydrogen, and Mercury Gas glow when electrified
- + Cactus and Liquid Light random events
- + Cement can be made with Slaked Lime
- ~ Recolored Slaked Lime
- ~ Placing Petals or Mushroom Caps now picks a random color
- ~ Unhid Petal
- ~ Hid Root
- ~ Moved Bamboo to Solids
- ~ Moved Steel
- ~ Moved Melted Cheese, Butter, and Chocolate to States
- ~ Moved Liquid Hydrogen, Helium, and Neon to States
- ~ States category always appears last if unhidden
- ~ Humans rot more randomly
- ~ Bamboo Plant grows faster
- ~ Worms no longer break Eggs
- ~ Strange Matter can no longer travel through indestructible things
- ~ Strange Matter can no longer destroy Void
- ~ Tweaked Molten Uranium radiation rate
- [Fixes]
- ~ Fixed: Alt-Tab locks Alt key
- ~ Fixed: Cacti break into Sap
- ~ Fixed: Cream deletes infinite Soda and Juice
- ~ Fixed: Null in info page error (e.g. tea)
- ~ Fixed: Unknown element in info page error (e.g. salt)
- ~ Fixed: Reactions, related, and aliases don't show up in tool info pages
- ~ Capitalization fixes
- [Technical]
- + Element properties onSelect, onMouseUp, perTick, singleColor
- ~ Element property fireElement can accept null
[Version 1.8.4 - July 11, 2023]
- + Image placing
- + Image tool in Special
- + Select any image from your computer
- + Place it on the canvas at any scale
- + Choose its element or disable smoothing in Settings
- + Burn it, blow it up, or make it a powder!
- + Paste or Drag-and-Drop images!
- [Stay tuned for bigger updates in the coming months!]
- [Bug Fixes]
- ~ Fixed: Old browsers that don't support ECMAScript 2016 crash
[Version 1.8.3 - May 16, 2023 - Deserted Update]
- + Cactus
- + Fancy Changelog and Controls pages
- + Toggle Burning setting
- + Broth Ice (Hidden)
- + Rad Shard (Hidden)
- + Linked to our official Sandboxels Wiki on wiki.gg
- [Changes]
- + Cacti and Charcoal now spawn in Desert world gen
- + Petals will fall slowly if detached from flower
- + Pointer color can be customized
- + Bless grows Grass on Dirt
- + Frogs can somewhat swim
- + Pool Water can kill Frogs and Seeds
- + Pool Water will break down Blood and Poison
- + Cream releases Steam when boiling
- + Cream can wet soil
- + Popcorn pops when made from Corn
- + Melted Butter stains solids
- + Mushroom parts break into Mycelium
- + Eggs melting leaves behind Sulfur Gas
- + Eggs won't break when dropped on soft material
- + Bless turns Molten Lead to Molten Gold
- + Unique fire colors for Molten Copper, Lead, Zinc, Salt, and Calcium
- + Broth can be made from Bones and Mushroom parts
- + Unique Broth color for soups with Flowers, Potato, Rotten Meat, Cheese, Beans, Wheat, Algae
- + Milk and Cream can be churned to Butter
- + Rats can eat Eggnog
- + Fish eat Yolk and Cell
- + Ants can drink Juice
- + Soap kills bugs
- + Ozone kills Plant
- + Charcoal, Roots, Hyphae, and Amalgam conduct electricity
- + Rad Glass has a texture when placed manually
- + Rad Glass can be made with Fallout
- + LEDs melt into Gallium
- + Molten Calcium can burn
- + Salt alias 'Sodium Chloride'
- + Anesthesia alias 'Nitrous Oxide'
- + Anesthesia turns Clouds to Acid Clouds
- + Anesthesia depletes Ozone
- + Sulfur alias 'Sulphur'
- + TNT alias 'Trinitrotoluene'
- + DNA alias 'Deoxyribonucleic Acid'
- + DNA from Cancer appears corrupted
- + Potatoes can explode when radiated
- + Cellulose freezes into Paper
- + Bees can be crushed into Honey
- + Bamboo and Vines can convert Carbon Dioxide to Oxygen
- + Flour can be wet by Pool Water, Milk, Cream, Broth, Soda, Tea, Blood, Antibody, and Infection
- + Slag can be made with Smog, Pyrocumulus, Dioxin, and Poison Gas
- + Cream changes color when mixed with Milk variant ingredients
- + Radiation affects Aluminum, Pool Water, Soda, Broth, and Tea
- + Pistils can be broken
- + Sugar and Candy dissolve in Soda
- + Bleach and Yeast reaction generates heat
- + Bleach and Soap reaction
- + Bleach breaks down Antidote
- + Sponge creates Bubbles when absorbing Soap
- ~ Potatoes, Straw, Wheat, and Worms burn slower
- ~ Sap boils at a lower point
- ~ Strange Matter is now a liquid
- ~ Bless turns Soda into Seltzer
- ~ Cellulose burns less
- ~ Recolored Frozen Meat
- ~ Adjusted Sulfur Gas density
- ~ Adjusted Molten Gallium density
- [Bug Fixes]
- ~ Fixed: Grape Juice and Potato Juice turns yellow when frozen
- ~ Fixed: Color-customizable elements don't show selector if hidden
- ~ Fixed: Foam created by other foam takes air temperature
- [Technical]
- + Element property glow for gas effect (true/false)
- + LIGHTWEIGHT behavior preset
- + Reaction properties burning1 and burning2 requirement (true/false)
- ~ Seeds element now uses eLists.SEEDS
[Version 1.8.2 - May 12, 2023 - Very Necessary Update]
- + Lettuce
- + Liquid Light at absolute zero (Hidden)
- + Ice Cream (Frozen Milk)
- + Baked Potato (Hidden)
- + Bricks and Glass have a texture when placed
- + Clay Shard
- + Frozen Fish (Hidden, 25% chance)
- ~ Smash is now located on the toolbar
- + Press R to reset scene
- + Toggle buttons in Settings
- + Fancy Textures setting
- + Default View setting for mobile
- + Air Temp, Air Density, and Abs Zero settings
- + Mushrooms world gen type
- [Changes]
- ~ Liquid Helium now has new superfluid behavior
- ~ Burning now stops below 0°C
- ~ Porcelain unhidden in Solids
- ~ Porcelain won't mix unless Shift is held
- ~ Optimized and buffed Strange Matter
- + Strange Matter ignores Fire and Smoke, can be destroyed by Antimatter
- + Bless warms pixels below -200°C
- + Humans will try to regulate their body temperature
- + Humans can eat food
- + Bones and Dead Plants can turn into fossil fuels under right conditions
- + Charcoal can turn into Diamonds under right conditions
- + Sugar and Milk can dissolve in Tea
- + Mixing Cement will reset the time until solidification
- + Termites can dig through soil
- + Potatoes can fall to the side
- + Potatoes break into Juice
- + Borax and Glue makes Slime
- + Incense gives off Smoke when burning
- + Herbs give off Fragrance when burnt
- + Flying Bugs and Birds can be crushed by falling Rocks
- + Fish can eat Broth, Slugs, Herbs, Lettuce, Dead Plants, Lichen, Yeast, Yogurt, and Tea
- + Snails, Algae, Gravel, and Charcoal can clean Broth and Tea
- + Worms can break down Lichen
- + Worms can eat Yolk
- + Gingerbread can be made with Flour and Sap or Caramel
- + Infection, Antibody, and Vaccine will wet soil
- + Radiation affects Milk variants
- + Malware messes with more machines
- + Copper Sulfate can be used as pesticide
- + Bubbles and Foam remove Stench
- + Bless can convert Lead to Gold
- + Tea can be made from Wheat
- + Uncharge tool converts Protons to Neutrons
- + Uncharge tool deletes Electric
- + Unburn tool converts Plasma to Smoke
- + GitHub linked in Mod Manager
- ~ Herbs burn slower
- ~ Tweaked Rad Glass color
- ~ Tweaked Dough color
- ~ Tweaked Lookup tool color to be like Glass
- ~ Pick, Mix, Shock, Mushroom Spore, Iron, and Gray Goo now have dark text
- ~ Settings menu is taller
- ~ Reset warning no longer appears if scene is empty
- ~ Ember cools into Ash
- ~ Firework Ember cools into Carbon Dioxide
- ~ Acid ignores Hydrogen
- ~ Renamed Nitroglycerin to Nitro
- + Frozen Nitro (Hidden)
- + Cream (Hidden)
- [Bug Fixes]
- ~ Fixed: Background color setting input not syncing after refresh
- ~ Fixed: Pixels from Spout don't inherit temperature
- ~ Fixed: Stats bar makes GUI jumpy on mobile
- ~ Fixed: Sponge doesn't conduct heat
- ~ Fixed: Flies no longer electrocute
- ~ Fixed: Sun heat transfer dependent on phase
- ~ Fixed: Neutrons/Protons/Blessing Strange Matter can make ghost pixels
- [Technical]
- + colorPattern and colorKey element properties (see Brick)
- + SUPERFLUID behavior preset
- + Absolute Zero is now controlled with global variable absoluteZero
- + fireElement element property accepts an array of elements
- + breakInto element property accepts null values
- + Uncharge tool supports reactions
- + stateLowColorMultiplier element attribute for Ice Cream
- + darkText element attribute for buttons (true/false)
[Version 1.8.1 - April 14, 2023 - Striking Detail]
- + Lightning (!!!)
- + Bless
- + Thunder Cloud
- + God Ray
- + Heat Ray
- + Rotten Cheese (Hidden)
- + Herb
- + Tea (Hidden)
- + Rime (Hidden)
- + Frozen Worm (Hidden)
- + Frozen Ink (Hidden)
- + Poison Ice (Hidden)
- + Rain world gen type
- + Changelog notification after new update
- + Version number shown below game
- ~ Improved load times
- [Changes]
- ~ Reworked Vines
- + Vines hang from ceilings and walls
- + Vines spread naturally sideways, down, and on walls
- + Frogs can absorb harmful pollutants through their skin (Educational!)
- + Sun brown dwarf stage
- + Mercury can conduct electricity
- + Plant, Grass, and Vine break into Dead Plant
- + Insects break into Dead Bugs
- + Borax can kill insects
- + Ants, Frogs, Fish, and Birds can eat Dead Bugs
- + Ants and Flies can eat Cheese
- + Birds and Rats can eat Lichen
- + Fish can eat Tadpoles
- + Fish and Tadpoles can swim in Seltzer and Pool Water
- + Radiation can make Frogs young again
- + Worms can compost Dead Bugs
- + Worms can break down Mudstone, Permafrost, and Packed Sand
- + Worms can eat Sawdust, Tinder, Dust, and Rotten Meat
- + Worms can break down Eggs slowly
- + Eggs will die when frozen
- + Rats can eat Gingerbread, Yogurt, and Beans
- + Ammonia can kill Rats
- + Plants absorb Carbon Dioxide from Seltzer
- + Plants can clean Smog
- + Ice Nine can convert Rad Steam
- + Rad Steam can radiate Glass
- + Stench can be burned away by Fire
- + Soap cleans Smog and Stench
- + Soap dissolves in Water
- + Steam is a very bad electrical conductor
- + Juice can wet soils
- + Pool Water, Blood, Soda, and Milk can wet Clay Soil
- + Bubble, Steam, Foam, Acid, Primordial Soup, Vaccine, and Antidote can clean stains
- + Malware can damage Wires
- + Cancer can damage Plant
- + Cancer can spread to Bones
- + Bone Marrow can freeze and be poisoned
- + AlGa and Water reaction
- + Stink Bugs can be radiated
- + Info page shows decimal points if density is low
- + New random event element choices
- + More Bleach reactions
- + Neutral Acid can vaporize
- + Vinegar can kill Mushrooms and Pollen
- + Poison, Bleach, Seltzer, and Pool Water can kill Pollen
- ~ Fireflies will kill Frogs if eaten
- ~ Recolored Mycelium
- ~ Unhid Mycelium
- ~ Hid Positron
- ~ Moved Worm apart from insects
- ~ Moved Unpaint to Special
- ~ Flies no longer eat living plants
- ~ Worms no longer decompose growing plants
- ~ EMP Bomb is no longer limited to cursor size 1
- ~ Smog condensates into Dirty Water
- ~ Lowered Poison Gas condensation point
- ~ Acid will no longer destroy Chlorine
- ~ Cyanide is now a liquid at room temperature
- ~ Hid Cyanide
- + Cyanide Gas, Cyanide Ice (Hidden)
- + Neon Ice (Hidden)
- + Ball recipe
- + Rocket recipe
- + Armageddon recipe
- + Secret rare Ball Lightning
- [Bug Fixes]
- ~ Fixed: Hardness does not resist explosion damage
- ~ Fixed: E button (Element Select) doesn't change active category
- ~ Fixed: Vines support themselves mid-air
- ~ Fixed: Grapes break into yellow Juice
- ~ Fixed: Game takes long to load on slow connections
- ~ Fixed: Cursor box becomes thicker after drawing line
- ~ Fixed: Flies make trees grow out of control
- ~ Fixed: Dough and batter eat each other when mixing
- ~ Fixed: Tadpoles, Slugs, Snails, Lichen, Dead Bugs, and Pollen drink all Pool Water
- ~ Fixed: Roots turn Pool Water into Fiber
- ~ Fixed: Cooldown not working when maximum cursor size is 1
- ~ Fixed: Worms turn Plant and Evergreen to Roots
- [Technical]
- ~ Optimized gas rendering
- ~ Optimized fire somewhat
- + SP behavior cell now works with "ignore" element property
- + extraTempHigh and extraTempLow element properties (see Steam)
- + canPlace element property, for tools that can also be placed
[Version 1.8 - March 17, 2023 - Cooking Update]
- + Updated Donator list
- + Butter
- + Setting to disable reset warnings
- + EWall, conductive wall
- + Rock Wall
- + Sodium Gas
- [Dough and Batter]
- + Batter, made from Flour and Yolk (Hidden)
- + Can be mixed with any food to create a unique dough/batter
- + Baked Batter (Hidden)
- [Changes]
- + Bones can break into Bone Marrow
- + Acid dissolves Rocks into Sand
- + Pyrocumulus forms in Rad Clouds
- + Poison can kill Tree Branches
- + Different cheese colors from milk variants
- + Bleach and Yeast reaction
- ~ Plasma no longer charged by default
- ~ Sun, Stained Glass, Wires, Flash, and Explosions won't mix unless Shift is held
- ~ Unhid Yolk
- ~ Hid Cellulose
- ~ Reordered Food category
- ~ Tweaked Flour color
- ~ Sodium has a bright yellow flame
- ~ Sulfur Gas burns quickly
- ~ Poison can kill Mushrooms
- ~ Oxygen no longer flammable, but can be destroyed by fire
- ~ Hydrogen and Oxygen now need heat to combine
- ~ Milk from Udders comes out warm
- - Removed Controls button as it is no longer needed
- + Added link to Reddit
- [Bug Fixes]
- ~ Fixed: Heating trees causes odd growth patterns
- ~ Fixed: Sodium freezing point too low
- ~ Fixed: Molten Sodium missing reactions
- ~ Fixed: Melted Wax default temperature too low
- ~ Fixed: Inaccurate Mercury gas density
- ~ Fixed: Humans superconductive
- ~ Fixed: Canvas overflows on the right on mobile
- [Technical]
- + onMix element attribute function(pixel1,pixel2)
- + isFood element attribute for Dough/Batter mixing
- + stateHighColorMultiplier element attribute for Batter
[Version 1.7.1 - January 8, 2023]
- + Walls and Glass aren't affected by Mix unless holding Shift
- + Beans
- + Sodium Acetate can melt
- ~ Popcorn hidden ;)
[Version 1.7 - December 15, 2022 - Anniversary Update]
- + Confetti
- + Party Popper
- + Balloon
- + Evergreen Trees
- + Pinecone, sapling equivalent
- + Evergreen (Hidden)
- + Gingerbread, a sturdy building material
- + Slush, made when snow mixes with water
- + Snow world gen type
- + Taiga world gen type
- + Tide Pool world gen type
- + New party-themed random events
- + Molten Ash
- + AlGa alloy (Hidden)
- + Eggnog (Hidden)
- + Pilk (Hidden)
- + Supporters list below game, donate to be added for life!
- [Changes]
- ~ Snow more resilient to heat
- ~ Tweaked Ice color
- ~ Improved world gen for: Flower Field, Wheat Field, Forest, Jungle, Ocean
- ~ Dyanmite must now be triggered to explode
- ~ Plague now dissipates over time
- ~ Plague now dies at high temperatures
- + Snails and Slugs can now eat Dead Plant
- + Rats killed by Soap
- + Soap can damage Cancer
- + Cancer dirties Water
- + Cancer can now be frozen
- + Roots can freeze to death
- + Milk and variants can wet Dirt and Sand
- + Wet Sand can freeze
- + Cheerful Mode for when tragedy hits
- - Removed Yolk random event
- [Bug Fixes]
- ~ Fixed: Gallium freezing point too low
- ~ Fixed: Clouds getting stuck on each other
- ~ Fixed: Molten conductivity not being set properly
- ~ Fixed: Dead Bug button color not showing
- [Technical]
- + "decor" world gen property, see "forest" or "tide_pool"
[Version 1.6.5 - November 16, 2022]
- + Radiated Glass
- + Gallium
- ~ Improved Baking Soda and Vinegar reaction
- + Fireflies sync up blinking over time
- + Bees can pollinate any plants that they touch
- + Added Sandboxels introduction and controls underneath game
- + Loading screen
- [Bug Fixes]
- ~ Fixed: Yeast immediately killed by alcohol it ferments
- [Technical]
- ~ Revamped CSS, report any bugs on the Discord
- + New "attr1" and "attr2" reaction property
[Version 1.6.4 - July 30, 2022]
- + Seeds and bombs have a short cooldown when on the lowest cursor size
- + Cloud (The normal, boring kind)
- ~ Tweaked cloud behavior
- + Positron
- + Strange Matter
- + Dead Bug (Hidden)
- + Pool Water (Hidden)
- + Poison Gas (Hidden) - Result of various lethal reactions
- + Ice forms of all Water and Blood variants
- + Flies are instantly electrocuted
- + Tadpoles are affected by Poison, Radiation, etc.
- + Flying insects will die from drowning
- ~ Adjusted Root flammability
- ~ Reduced Acid Gas's condensation point
- ~ Nerfed Yeast growth rate
- ~ Burning Bread makes a lot less ash
- [Bug Fixes]
- ~ Fixed: Random events can blow up the Sun
- ~ Fixed: Clouds always start by moving right
- ~ Fixed: Acid Gas spawns at room temperature
- ~ Fixed: Some things immune to Acid aren't immune to Acid Gas
- ~ Fixed: Too much piling up of Rad Steam under Rad Clouds
- [Technical]
- + "cooldown" element attribute, in ticks
[Version 1.6.3 - July 24, 2022 - Random Update]
- + Random Events! Enable in settings!
- + Electrum alloy (Hidden)
- - Dirty Water no longer stains
- [Minor Reactions]
- + Hydrogen and Sulfur will create a bad smell
- + Water breaks down Dyes
- + Gold breaks into Gold Coins
- + Snails eat and purify Dirty Water
- + Poison and Alcohol now kill Yeast
- + Rats can have babies after eating enough
- + Bees produce honey after eating enough
- [Bug Fixes]
- ~ Fixed: Weird triangular root formations when hot
- ~ Fixed: Oil doesn’t soak into Dirt and makes infinite Mud
- ~ Fixed: Dirty Water no longer rots Meat
[Version 1.6.2 - July 10, 2022]
- + Dyes will mix colors [Warning: Laggy]
- + Broth, from heating meat in water
[Version 1.6.1 - May 17, 2022 - Egg Update]
- + Feather
- + Egg
- + Yolk
- + Birds, Frogs, Fish, and all bugs (except bees) can lay eggs after eating enough
- + Animal Eggs will hatch over time
- + Hard Yolk
- + Tadpole (Hidden)
- + DNA (Hidden), from broken cells
- + Homunculus (Hidden)
- ~ Animals are more resistant to temperatures
- ~ Implemented Google's Monk Skin Tone Scale for Humans
- ~ Adjusted Human shirt colors
- + Life can be created via the Miller-Urey method
- + Ice-nine can freeze more Water-based elements
- + Primordial Soup can create Seltzer and Oxygen
- + Primordial Soup can moisten the ground
- + Electricity speeds up Primordial Soup processes
- + Ants can dig through Clay Soil
- + Ants eat Mushroom Caps, Candy
- ~ Adjusted Ant behavior
- ~ Adjusted Ant, Fly, and Firefly color
- + Fleas can eat Antidote, Dead Plant
- + Fleas will eat Mercury and die
- + Fleas will eat Ketchup to no dietary gain
- + Salt Water kills Snails and Slugs
- + Stink Bugs have a diet
- + Mercury dirties Water
- + Water breaks down Mudstone
- + Birds breathe Oxygen
- + Birds eat Mushrooms, Seeds
- + Consistent Bird toxicity reactions
- + Termites can eat Sawdust, Particleboard, Tinder, and Lichen
- + Alcohol kills Plants
- + Chlorine and Baking Soda kills Algae
- + Chlorine kills Plague and Virus
- + Some illegal toxic recipes
- + Vinegar kills Lichen
- + Snails and Slugs eat Lichen
- + Roots can grow through Mycelium
- + Rats eat Grapes
- + Worms can swim through Water
- + Acid ignores Plastics
- + Salt rusts Iron
- + Some animals can be smashed
- + Better Baking Soda-Vinegar reaction
- + Acid can boil into Acid Gas
- + Algae can grow in any liquid
- + Udders are now flammable
- ~ Dirty Water stains less
- ~ Lowered Slag melting point
- ~ Nerfed Lichen growth
- ~ Flowers now use Plant as its stem instead of Grass
- ~ Primordial Soup is less conductive
- ~ Fixed: Color Sand not doing its thing
- ~ Fixed: Dirt doesn't soak up blood but turns to Mud anyway
- ~ Fixed: Sodium ghost pixels
- ~ Fixed: Pressure Plate breaks at top of canvas
- ~ Fixed: Nitroglycerin not activated by electricity
- ~ Fixed: Sugar Water gives Cells cancer
- ~ Fixed: EMP Bomb explodes badly
- ~ Fixed: Fish constantly changing directions
- + Technical: Debug tool
[Version 1.6 - May 1, 2022 - Ecosystem Update]
- + Air Density - Gases lighter than air will rise
- + Clouds toggle setting
- + EMP Bomb
- + Bird
- [Roots]
- + Trees grow roots when planted on soil
- + Roots can now grow and spread
- + Fiber (Hidden)
- + Roots absorb water from soil
- [The Sun]
- + The Sun has different color variations depending on its temperature
- + The Sun outputs more light the hotter it is
- + Supernova (Hidden)
- + The Sun will EXPLODE when frozen
- + More Sun element fusion, depending on temperature
- ~ Nerfed Sun, it will no longer boil everything
- + Light takes the color of whatever it hits
- ~ Pixels now heat up a tiny amount when hit by Light
- + Room Temp tool
- + Grass can now grow and spread
- + Algae can now reproduce
- + Air in Info Screen
- + Gravel can break into Sand
- + Mudstone can be cooled into Permafrost
- + Pollen dissolves in Water
- + Acid breaks Charcoal into Carbon Dioxide
- + Algae and Yeast can team up and become Lichen
- + Rats can eat Lichen
- + Lichen can break rocks down into Dirt
- + Blood absorbs Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide
- + Cancer can be killed by Proton bombardment
- + Plants will die when exposed to Vinegar, Baking Soda, or Bleach
- + Baking Soda can melt
- + Loopy now clones the first thing it touches
- + Worms and Rats can sink in Water
- ~ Recolored Dirt and Permafrost
- ~ Ozone no longer rises
- ~ Rotten Meat can be converted to Ammonia
- ~ Unhid Wheat
- ~ Moved Flour and Sugar to Food
- ~ Paper is now a still solid
- ~ Hid many elements, including some seeds, most alloys, Liquid Hydrogen, Porcelain, Particleboard, some powders, Mycelium, Quicklime, Packed Snow
- ~ Snow can freeze into Packed Snow, and then into Ice
- ~ Grenades explode immediately on shock
- ~ Optimizations for basic powders, liquids, and gases
- ~ Excluded Uranium, Fire Cloud, Antimatter, and Void from Random
- ~ Permafrost and Molten Dirt turn into Mudstone
- ~ Adjusted Dirty Water density
- ~ Fireworks release Carbon Dioxide instead of Fire
- ~ Copper no longer oxidizes on its own
- ~ Slag no longer forms with some molten elements
- ~ Lichen now only grows horizontally
- ~ Cellulose can be heated into Paper
- ~ Fixed: Explosions can't destroy pixels with broken states
- ~ Fixed: Incinerate tool not doing state changes
- ~ Fixed: Hyphae changing anything to Mycelium
- ~ Fixed: Mercury density
- ~ Fixed: Metal Scrap is invincible
- ~ Fixed: Sun can be pushed by Rocks
- ~ Fixed: Trees grow continuously as leaves die from heat
- + Technical: Reactions can be enabled/disabled with a setting
- + Technical: maxSize element property
[Version 1.5.1 - Apr. 19, 2022]
- + Hold Shift to draw lines
- + Info Screen now shows category info
- + Info Screen shows undiscovered elements
- + Fire now appears below burning pixels if the top if blocked
- + Porcelain
- + Pyrite
- + Incinerate tool
- + Unburn tool
- + Particleboard
- + Rats, Humans, and Yeasts can now breathe oxygen
- + Worms decompose Dead Plants
- + Chlorine Ice
- + Sulfur Gas
- + Frozen Yogurt
- + Antiice
- + Liquid forms of Ammonia, Propane, Methane
- + Sawdust can be made into Cellulose
- + Reset buttons in Settings
- + Added clarification and mod list link to Mod Manager
- + All metals given unique hardness values
- + Lamp Oil removes Glue
- + Cheese can be vaporized
- + Bone Marrow, Pointer, Rainbow, and Static can now be obtained
- + Ash can eliminate Stench
- - Removed Helium Ice
- ~ Improved Smash tool
- ~ Acid no longer errodes Water
- ~ Fish out of water now fall to side
- ~ Less Smog forms
- ~ Algae now floats on water
- ~ Fish no longer tend to swim downwards
- ~ Molten Sulfur is now red and non-viscous
- ~ Fermented alcohols now colored differently
- ~ More foods can be fermented
- ~ Tweaked Milk flavor densities
- ~ Tweaked Rat consumption rates
- ~ Tweaked most insect consumption rates
- ~ Tweaked Meat cooking rates
- ~ Tweaked Yeast fermentation rates
- ~ Glue no longer sticks to Ice
- ~ Oil burns longer
- ~ Fixed: Gaps in lines when drawing fast
- ~ Fixed: Notifications not showing in Unlock as Discover mode
- ~ Fixed: Clicking outside menu immediately starting placing
- ~ Fixed: Molten Slag eats infinite Ash
- ~ Fixed: Flash color inconsistent with Light
- ~ Fixed: Mercury not amalgamating with Gold Coins or Rose Gold
- ~ Fixed: Decimal point TPS
- + Technical: Tools can now ignore certain elements
- + Technical: "related" element property, shows a "See Also" in info
- + Technical: "alias" element property, shows a "Also known as" in info
[Version 1.5 - Apr. 13, 2022]
- + Greatly improved E/Element Select button
- + Mercury
- + Amalgam
- + Ice forms of Helium, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Alcohol, Acid, Juice, and Slime
- + Alcohol Gas
- + Ice-Nine
- + Neutron
- + Proton
- + Uranium can explode if bombarded with Neutrons
- + Ozone
- + H-Bomb
- + Chocolate Milk (Hidden)
- + Fruit Milk (Hidden)
- + Revamped Meat rotting completely
- ~ Fixed: Scroll wheel too sensitive
- [Minor]
- + Baking Soda eliminates Stench
- + Thermite can be made with alloys
- + Bleach dirties Water
- + Bleach kills Cells and Cancers
- + Bleach cleans Blood
- + Dyes and Ink can be easily evaporated
- + Soap cleans Soda, Dyes, and Ink
- + Calcium reacts with Oxygen
- + Ball (Hidden) melts into Plastic
- + Light changes color when hitting Steam, Smog, Ice, or Diamond
- + Torch extinguishes at absolute zero
- + Torch explodes into Sawdust
- + Potatoes provide some electricity to Wire
- + Radiation pops Corn
- + Fire can be suppressed with CO₂
- + Sponges are now flammable
- + Fusion of Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Sulphur, and Neon
- ~ Adjusted Sap color to look less like Magma
- ~ Adjusted Yogurt behavior
- ~ Stench is no longer flammable
- ~ Plastic releases Stench on burn
- ~ Hid Hail
- + Alert for websites embedding the game illegally
- ~ Renamed Chocolate Syrup to Melted Chocolate
- ~ Fixed: Fireworks have no state of matter / Don't sink
- ~ Fixed: Frozen Frogs flickering / constantly refreezing
- + Technical: More automatic tempHigh/Low element generation for all states of matter
- + Technical: stateHighName/stateLowName
[Version 1.4 - Feb. 19, 2022]
- + Improved the look of gases
- + "Unlock as Discovered" hiding mode
- ^ When enabled, hidden elements are shown in the toolbar when they are created
- + Sun
- + Stench
- + Fragrance
- + Incense
- + Stink Bug
- ^ First bug with complex behavior
- ^ Will be added to other animals eventually
- ^ Three phases: Flying, Landing, and Standing
- + Malware, the enemy of Gray Goo
- + Grape
- + Juice
- + Sap
- + Sodium
- + Basic View, no special effects (Press 3)
- + Smooth View, blends surrounding pixels (Press 4)
- + Flowers now come in different colors
- + Bleach neutralizes Acid
- ~ Substantial optimizations
- ~ Light and Laser are now octodirectional
- ~ Buffed Antimatter Bomb
- ~ Nerfed Gray Goo
- ~ Sugar products no longer turn into Molasses
- ~ Neon no longer stays red after losing charge
- ~ Electric glow no longer shows in Thermal View
- ~ Fixed: Pick tool doesn't select the element's category
- ~ Fixed: Special fire colors not always being used
- + Technical: color1 and color2 reaction attributes
[Version 1.3 - Feb. 11, 2022]
- + World Generation Setting [Beta]
- + Staining
- + Some liquids will stain solids, some will clean
- + Smoke now stains solids (soot)
- + Staining can be disabled in settings
- + Paint tool
- + Hold Shift to color solid
- + Unpaint tool
- + Color Sand
- + Stained Glass
- + Smog
- + Hail
- + Hail Cloud
- + Seltzer (Carbonated Water, Hidden)
- + Soda
- + Bleach
- + Chlorine
- + Liquid Chlorine (Hidden)
- + Thermite
- + Cement
- + Dye (Color mixing not added)
- + Ink
- + Color Smoke
- + Sponge
- + "Art" element, a wall that can be colored
- + Uncharge tool
- + Smash tool
- + Cook tool
- + Sugar will help Cells and Cancer grow
- + Alcohol and Poison will kill Cells and Cancer
- + Soap now removes Oil
- + Gray Goo can now be electrocuted
- + Rats now eat cheese
- + Oxygen and Water makes Foam
- + Torches can be extinguished with more types of Water
- + Acid Gas now turns to Acid when cold
- ~ Tweaked Acid Gas color
- ~ Grenades now explode into metal fragments
- ~ Fixed: Pressure Plates...
- + Technical: Custom tools, see example_mod.js
- + Technical: "stain" element attribute, decimal value -1 to 1, negative values remove stains
- + Technical: "customColor" element attribute, true/false, allows for picking of a color before placing
- + Technical: "desc" element attribute, string, allows for custom descriptions in Element Info ("extraInfo" an alias)
- + Technical: null allowed in stateHigh and stateLow, deletes pixel
- + Technical: Reaction attributes "tempMin"(number) "tempMax"(number) "charged"(true/false) "charge1"(number) "charge2"(number)
- + Technical: changePixel(pixel,newElement) function
[Version 1.2 - Feb. 4, 2022]
- + Human
- + Firework
- + Dynamite
- + Primordial Soup
- + Seeds - a mixture of various seeds
- + Paper
- + Cellulose
- + Pressure Plate
- + Border
- + Poison
- + Antidote
- + Dirty Bomb
- + Dead Plant (Hidden)
- + Frozen Plant (Hidden)
- + Ember (Hidden, burned into by wood)
- + Fw_Ember (Hidden)
- + View Switcher (Press 1-9)
- + Thermal View (2)
- + Settings Menu
- + Metric, Imperial, and SI units
- + Unhide All Element
- + Background Color
- + C or F2 - Download Screenshot
- + F1 - Hide/Show GUI and HUD
- + Left Arrow & Right Arrow change categories
- + New smooth animation for Rainbow element
- + Acid Clouds can slowly burn
- + Acid Gas and Acid Clouds can be neutralized like Acid
- + Nitroglycerin now explodes when sparked
- + Bamboo now breaks into Sawdust
- + Most explosives can now melt
- + Sand and Dirt can now absorb Blood and Oil
- + Alcohol can fight against Virus and Plague
- + 404 Page
- ~ Explosives are no longer included in Random
- ~ Unhid pollen
- ~ Hid Chocolate Syrup
- ~ Moved Meat to Food category
- ~ Meat rots a lot slower
- ~ Animals die from plague slower
- ~ Less collection of applicable gases below clouds
- ~ Page title takes up less space
- ~ Viruses and Gray Goo now ignore Fire and Smoke
- ~ Viruses no longer consume Soap, Plague, or Cancer
- ~ Gray Goo now moves sideways while on surface
- ~ Cloners no longer clone other Cloner types
- ~ Molten Plastic now flows faster
- ~ Tweaked Wet Sand color
- ~ Recolored Slag
- ~ Made Oil more visible
- ~ GUI takes up less vertical space
- - Removed Hide button
- + Accessibility: Tab can be used to navigate GUI
- ~ Fixed: Light doesn't bounce properly
- ~ Fixed: Magma is absorbed by Molten Slag
- ~ Fixed: Acid deletes Acid Clouds
- ~ Fixed: Random not working with Replace mode
- ~ Fixed: Holding Ctrl/Cmd while using a control gets overriden
- ~ Fixed: LEDs don't lose charge
- ~ Fixed: Info links show element IDs even if they have names
- + Technical: Element "ignore" property now works on CH (Change) and CF (Clone First Touched)
- + Technical: Elements can now have a behavior and tick function at the same time
[Version 1.1.2 - Jan. 26, 2022]
- + Technical: New functions to use in coded elements
- doBurning(pixel); // Using this function will allow burning simulation
- doHeat(pixel); // Using this function will allow heat simulation
- doElectricity(pixel); // Using this function will allow electricity simulation
- + Technical: New hidden example elements: tick_sand, tick_wood, tick_wall, tick_props
- + Technical: New "properties" element attribute. See the tick_props element
[Version 1.1.1 - Jan. 25, 2022]
- + Technical: "tick" element attribute, takes a function
- tick: function(pixel) {
- tryMove(pixel, pixel.x, pixel.y+1) // try to move down each tick
- }
- runs every tick on each pixel
[Version 1.1 - Blast Off - Jan. 22, 2022]
- + Explosions
- + Weapons Category
- + Bomb
- + TNT
- + C-4
- + Grenade
- + Gunpowder
- + Nuke
- + Greek Fire
- + Nitroglycerin
- + Sticky Bomb
- + Cold Bomb
- + Hot Bomb
- + Electro Bomb
- + Water Bomb
- + Antimatter Bomb
- + Flashbang
- + Flash (Hidden)
- + Landmine
- + Cluster Bomb
- + Explosion (Element, explodes immediately)
- + Armageddon (Hidden, lag warning)
- + Tesla Coil
- + Light Bulb
- + Shocker
- + Tungsten
- + Helium
- + Liquid Helium (Hidden)
- + Nitrogen Ice (Hidden)
- + Sawdust
- + Brick Rubble (Hidden)
- + Slag
- + Loopy
- + Neutral Acid, from neutralizing Acid with Ash, Limestone, Borax, or Ammonia
- + Cancer can now take over Frogs, Fish, and Rats
- + Dioxin can now cause Cancer, kill things, and damage Antibodies
- + Chocolate Syrup can now evaporate
- + Wet Sand and Mud seep into each other's dry counterparts
- + Salt now kills Worms
- + Mushrooms now compost Ash
- + Udders can now cook
- ~ Fireballs now explode on impact
- ~ Magma now cools into mostly Basalt
- ~ Molten Plastic is no longer on fire
- ~ Unhid Dioxin
- ~ Moved Straw and Ruins to Solids category
- ~ Moved Tinder to Powders category
- ~ Moved Smoke Grenade and Fireball to Weapons category
- ~ Fixed: Direction not reset when changing pixels' elements
- ~ Fixed: Mod Manager unable to scroll
- ~ Fixed: Acid and Acid Gas dissolve each other
- ~ Fixed: Potassium and Epsom Salt didn't kill Slugs and Snails
[Version 1.0.1 - Jan. 20, 2022]
- ~ Slowed down Udder
- + Technical: runAfterLoad() function, pass a function to run after all mods load. See example_mod.js
[Version 1.0 - Full Steam Ahead! - Jan. 19, 2022]
- + Radiation
- + Uranium
- + Rad Steam
- + Rad Cloud
- + Fallout
- + Reorganized elements
- + Powders category
- + Food category
- + Fullscreen Mode (Press F)
- + Hold down Shift when using Mix to include Fire
- + Salt melts Ice and Snow
- + Dirty Water can be filtered by Charcoal and Gravel
- + Worms can move through Mycelium, Wet Sand, and Clay Soil
- + Worms break down some organic matter
- + Glass now resists Acid
- ~ Metal Scrap melts into various metals
- ~ Recolored Aluminum
- ~ Recolored Grass to have less contrast
- ~ Recolored Mycelium
- ~ Mycelium is no longer hidden
- ~ Lichen now grows
- ~ Cells and Cancer now have gravity
- ~ Cancer now grows on its own
- ~ Vaccines and Antibodies kill Cancer slowly
- ~ Straw no longer falls
- ~ Random no longer makes Snake
- ~ Water Spout renamed to just Spout
- ~ Hid Lattice
- ~ Took all vanilla elements out of the Other category
- ~ Moved Ash and Charcoal into the Powders category
- + Technical: Reactions can now use arrays for random choices
- ~ Fixed: Mod Manager removes only the top mod
- ~ Fixed: Saplings, Mushrooms, Flowers, Bamboo, Wheat, Corn grow in mid-air
- ~ Fixed: Acid, Acid Gas, and Antimatter delete themselves without touching anything
- ~ Fixed: Pistils fall and create a lot of petals
- ~ Fixed: Cloner doesn't inherit the temperature of it's source / don't clone fire properly
- ~ Fixed: Ammonia fertilizes plants too fast
- ~ Fixed: Info menu search bar doesn't stick to the bottom
- ~ Fixed: Some bright background buttons like salt have white text
- ~ Fixed: Elements can't heat or cool themselves with HT or CO
- ~ Fixed: TPS resets when you don't enter anything
- - Removed plus button in the Mod Manager
- - Removed Structure category
[Version 0.9.1 - Jan. 17, 2022]
- ~ Mods can now work together (e.g. having reactions with elements from other mods, stateHighs, etc.)
[Version 0.9 - Mod Manager Update - Jan. 16, 2022]
- + Mod Manager Menu
- + Clay Soil
- + Salt Water, Sugar Water, and Dirty Water evaporate into their components
- + Blood, Ketchup, Molasses, Slime, Vinegar, and Alcohol evaporate into their components
- + Reactions between cloud types
- + Acid Gas can form Acid Clouds
- + Fire Clouds turn to Pyrocumulus when cooled
- + Torches can be extinguished with water
- + Some Fireballs will burn into steam
- ~ Improved color of Permafrost, Dirt, Grass, Gravel, Basalt, Lamp Oil, Honey, Molasses, Chocolate Syrup, Bamboo, Corn, Corn Seed, Root, Potato Seed, Iron, Rust, Glass, Copper, Zinc, Tin, Silver, and Straw
- ~ Anaesthesia now a gas
- + Technical: stateHigh and stateLow can be an array, a random option is chosen
- ~ Fixed: Fireball rocks continue to burn after being extinguished
[Version 0.8.3 - Jan. 14, 2022]
- + Laser
- + Snake (Not the animal)
- + Ball (Hidden experiment)
- + Cyanide
- + Ammonia, a fertilizer
- + Vaccine
- + Antibody
- + Infection
- + Cell
- + Cancer
- + Rain Clouds form from steam high up
- + Pyrocumulus Clouds
- + Fire Clouds
- + Fuse
- + RGB LEDs
- + Mud and Wet Sand seaps into the ground
- + Algae and Plants can clean water
- + Cloners are now invincible
- + Animals eat more varieties of things
- + Fireballs now extinguish in water
- ~ Fireballs now flicker and are colored differently
- ~ Light is now directional and doesn't delete immediately
- ~ Frogs, Flies, Fireflies, Bees, Fish, Termites, Rats, Slugs, Snails, and Bubbles now move more realistically
- ~ Rats now create less Plague
- ~ Fireflies now realistically color
- ~ Moved Clouds to Gases category
- ~ Moved Gray Goo to Special category
- ~ Mushrooms stalks now have gravity
- ~ Dirty water looks dirtier
- ~ Lattice is given a different color than Filler
- + Technical: Reaction property "oneway"
- + Technical: Support Any (SA) behavior
- ~ Technical: All animals now use reactions to eat
- ~ Fixed: Rocks don't sink in liquids
- ~ Fixed: Supportive elements like concrete don't sink in liquids
- ~ Fixed: Large decimal values for molten elements
- ~ Fixed: Fish can't swim through dirty water
- ~ Fixed: Pixels that should be burning created by other pixels aren't burn
- ~ Fixed: Acid Cloud density not working
- ~ Fixed: Fire causes Clouds to lower
- ~ Fixed: Algae tends to move rightwards
[Version 0.8.2 - Jan. 9, 2022]
- + Cold Fire
- + Sulfur
- + Copper Sulfate
- + Diamonds
- + Glitter
- + Electric element
- + Rain Clouds sometimes spark
- + Holding [Shift] while shocking increases the shock
- + Antimolten, Antifire, Antigas
- + Dirty Water
- + Walls are now invincible
- + Water weathers down rock over time
- + Water oxidizes iron and copper
- + Vinegar deoxidizes rust and copper
- + Blood can now boil
- + Many new combustion and melting temperatures
- + Install button to add to homescreen
- ~ Improved Random tool
- ~ Reordered liquids tab
- ~ Pixels are now smaller on small screens to allow for more space
- ~ Unhid Vine
- ~ Recolored Meat
- ~ Optimizations
- ~ Tweaked shock tool
- + Technical: "hardness" element attribute, chance of resisting damage (0-1)
- + Technical: Reactions can now have a chance of occuring (0-1)
- ~ Technical: Quotes removed from element keys, not necessary for mods
- ~ Technical: All element attributes are now optional
- ~ Technical: Updated element property list comment
- ~ Fixed: Controls link goes to changelog
- ~ Fixed: Elements like Potassium Salt don't continue burning after melting
[Version 0.8.1 - Jan. 6, 2022]
- + Progressive web app support
- + Confirms when you are about to leave the page
- + Favicons and social cards
[Version 0.8 - Electricity - Jan. 3, 2022]
- + Mobile Support (Potentially buggy)
- + Electricity
- + Shock tool
- + Wire (100% conductivity)
- + Metal Scrap
- + E-cloner (Clones when powered)
- + Neon gas
- + "Random" element
- + Each conductive element has its own conductivity
- + Lower conductivity = higher resistance, which heats up faster when charged
- ~ Plasma now shocks things
- ~ Electrified plasma now creates more plasma
- ~ Speed optimizations allowing for more pixels on screen
- + Smoke Grenades can now melt
- + Technical: "conduct" attribute, chance of conducting electricity per tick, 0-1
- + Technical: "behaviorOn" attribute, behavior to override when powered
- + Technical: "colorOn" attribute, color to change to when powered
- + Technical: "SH" behavior rule, shocks / adds charge
- ~ Fixed: Invalid info links
[Version 0.7.3 - Dec. 30, 2021]
- ~ Salt and sugar are more dense; can sink in water
- ~ Fixed: Fish and Algae can't move through sugar water
[Version 0.7.2 - Cloning - Dec. 29, 2021]
- + Cloner
- + Slow Cloner, Clone Powder, Floating Cloner
- + Soap, cleans various things
- ~ Plasma revamped
- ~ Rain/Snow/Acid Clouds revamped
- + Basalt
- + Calcium, Limestone, Quicklime, Slaked Lime
- + Lattice
- + Mud can freeze
- + Slugs and Snails
- ~ Frogs can now move underwater
- ~ Light has a temperature of 50°C
- ~ Swapped Special and Machines category spots
[Version - Dec. 28, 2021]
[Version 0.7.1 - Dec. 28, 2021]
- + Sugar Water + Pollen = Honey
- ~ Lowered Rat Plague spawn rates
- ~ Fixed: Water dissolves salt and sugar way too much
- ~ Fixed: Plants don't grow anymore
- ~ Fixed: Fleas don't eat blood underneath them
- ~ Fixed: Info page says seconds instead of ticks
- ~ Fixed: Info shows duplicate elements
- ~ Fixed: "1 ticks"
[Version 0.7 - Density & Reactions - Dec. 28, 2021]
- + New category-based element selection menu
- + Pixels are now slightly smaller allowing for more space
- + Scroll wheel now controls cursor size
- + Absolute zero temperature (-273.15°C)
- + Molten elements are now colored differently
- + Mix tool
- + **Density**
- + If density is higher, powders will sink in liquids, liquids in liquids, powders in gases, etc.
- + Each powder, liquid, and gas has its own density value
- + **Reactions between elements**
- + Element info lookup GUI
- + Right click an element button to open its info
- + Press the / or I key to open the info screen
- + Click underlined elements to open their info
- + Info button
- + Lookup tool
- + Mud & Mudstone
- + Wet Sand & Packed Sand
- + Zinc, Tin, Nickel, Silver, Gold, Aluminum
- + Alloys made by mixing molten metals
- + Brass, Bronze, Sterling, Steel, Rose Gold
- + Gold Coins
- + Milk, Yogurt, Udder
- + Vinegar
- + Baking Soda
- + Corn, Corn Seed, Popcorn
- + Plant Root
- + Potato, Potato Seed
- + Yeast, Bread, Toast
- + Flour, Dough
- + Salt, Salt Water
- + Sugar, Caramel, Candy, Sugar Water
- + Plants convert carbon dioxide to oxygen
- + Rust
- + Hydrogen
- + Nitrogen
- + Alcohol
- + Lichen
- + Ruins can now melt
- + Permafrost now melts into mud
- ~ Arrow buttons have been changed to + and -
- + New icons for holding Alt/Option and Right Shift
- ~ Fixed: Ghost pixels
- ~ Fixed: Fire turns to smoke too much
- ~ Fixed: Plasma goes out of control
- ~ Fixed: Console error when leaving element select popup blank
- + Technical: "name" is no longer a required element attribute
- + Technical: New element attributes used for moving elements for density simulation
- + "state" (solid, liquid, or gas)
- + "density" (density of the element in kg/m³)
- + Automatic molten elements are given 0.9x density
[Version 0.6 - Thermal Conductivity - Dec. 23, 2021]
- + Thermal Conductivity / Heat Transfer
- + Insulation
- + Walls insulate
- + Bees now drop pollen which turns into flower seeds
[Version 0.5.2 - Dec. 22, 2021]
- + Antimatter
- + Acid Cloud
- + Acid Gas
- + Bees
- + Rats
- + Rotten Meat
- + Plague, spawns from Rats and Rotten Meat, kills some animals
- + Plastic, Dioxin, Beads
- + Epsom Salt
- + Potassium Salt
- + Mycelium, obtained from hyphae converting dirt
- ~ Hyphae spreads more naturally
- + Mushrooms can spread and multiply via hyphae
- + All molten elements now spawn fire like magma
- ~ Fixed: NaN fire temperatures
[Version 0.5.1 - Dec. 22, 2021]
- + Erase tool
- + Pick tool (Middle click works too)
- + Press E to select an element by name
- + Press > to forward by one frame
- + Changelog and controls link
- ~ Shift + Heat/Cool is twice as fast as before
- ~ Fixed: Placing continues after hovering outside of game
- ~ Fixed: Cursor doesn't follow mouse after hovering outside of game
- ~ Fixed: Element select button doesn't deselect previous element
- ~ Fixed: Arrow buttons can set the cursor size to negatives
- ~ Fixed: Virus spreads fire infinitely
- ~ Fixed: Shift icon [⬆ ] doesn't show when hovering outside of game
- ~ Fixed: Console error sometimes when page loads
[Version 0.5 - Dec. 21, 2021]
- + New name: Sandboxels (Sandbox + Pixels)
- + Mushrooms
- + Mushroom Spore grows a mushroom
- + Mushroom Stalk makes up the stem
- + Mushroom gill creates the cap
- + Mushroom Cap
- + Hyphae grows underneath the mushroom in dirt
- + Permafrost
- + Chocolate & Chocolate Syrup
- + Cheese
- + Fireflies
- + Fireballs
- + Frozen Meat
- + Frozen Frogs
- ~ Heat & Cool tools look more natural
- ~ Gravel can now melt
[Note: Changelogs for version v0.1-v0.4 were added retroactively in 2025]
[Version 0.4 - Dec. 20, 2021]
- + Grass
- + Algae
- + Heater
- + Cooler
- + Superheater
- + Freezer
- + Charcoal
- + Carbon Dioxide
- + Dry Ice
- + Oil
- + Propane
- + Methane
- + Oxygen
- + Liquid Oxygen
- + Tinder
- + Static
- + Borax
- + Bamboo
- + Bamboo Plant
- + Clay
- + Baked Clay
- + Brick
- + Sapling
- + Grass Seed
- + Flower Seed
- + Pistil
- + Petal
- + Tree Branch
- + Vine
- + Burner
- + Foam
- + Bubble
- + Rainbow
- + Copper
- + Molten Copper
- + Oxidized Copper
- + Acid
- + Dust
- + Glue
- + Anti Fluid
- + Lamp Oil
- + Wheat Seed
- + Wheat
- + Straw
- + Gray Goo
- + Virus
- + Worm
- + Termite
- + Pixel burning
- ~ Renamed Laser Pointer to Pointer
- + Element and hidden element count
- [Technical]
- + Behavior presets FOAM, BUBBLE, STICKY, AGLIQUID
- + Behavior rules L1, L2, HT, CO, CC, ST
[Version 0.3 - Dec. 17, 2021]
- + Ant
- + Frog
- + Fish
- + Rocket
- + Ash
- + Meat
- + Cooked Meat
- + Light
- + Laser Pointer
- + Element categories (Tools, Land, Liquids, Solids, Gases, Energy, Structure, Special, Life, Weapons)
- + Hide button
- [Technical]
- + SW behavior rule
[Version 0.2 - Dec. 16, 2021]
- + Heat tool
- + Cool tool
- + Steam
- + Ice
- + Snow
- + Packed Snow
- + Wood
- + Fire
- + Smoke
- + Rock
- + Magma
- + Concrete
- + Plasma
- + Iron
- + Glass
- + Blood
- + Honey
- + Ketchup
- + Molasses
- + Filler
- + Dirt
- + Gravel
- + Slime
- + Ruins
- + Void
- + Flea
- + Fly
- + Smoke Grenade
- + Torch
- + Water Spout
- + Bone Marrow
- + Bone
- + Anti Powder
- + Vertical
- + Horizontal
- + Rain Cloud
- + Snow Cloud
- + Plant
- + Seed
- + Molten Glass
- + Molten Iron
- + Pixel temperature and state changes
- + Pause button
- + Step button
- + Adjustable cursor size and buttons
- + Replace mode and button
- + Element select "E" button
- + Adjustable TPS and button
- + Keybinds for pausing, changing cursor size
- + Shift key handling
- + Stats bar, shows pixel information on hover
- + Randomized pixel color, pixel grain, and gradient element buttons
- ~ Renamed "Clear" button to "Reset"
- [Technical]
- + Behavior grid system
- + Autogenerated molten elements
- - Removed hard-coded behaviors
[Version 0.1.1 - Dec. 15, 2021]
- + Clear button
- + Pixels can be deleted by right-clicking
- + Touchscreen support
- + Element buttons
[Version 0.1 - Dec. 15, 2021 - Public Release]
- + Sand
- + Water
- + Wall
- + Elements must be selected with the S, W, and X keys
- [Technical]
- + Hard-coded behaviors DL_DR (Sand), L_R (Water), WALL (Wall)